3 Choices of Sahur Menu for Strong Bones and Daily Fit Body This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


Sahur is the most important meal time before starting to fast all day long. In order for fasting to stay fit and bones remain strong, the key is initially at this dawn. So, let us know what is needed at dawn so that the bones are strong and the body remains fit? There is also a practical sahur menu that is also healthy for bones, you know!

The nutrients needed to be fit all day

When dawn, the body needs a lot of fluids, choose foods and drinks containing lots of fluids to hydrate the body. In addition, choose foods that are high in fiber to keep you feeling full longer like those in vegetables and fruit.

Fiber helps to keep feeling full longer and prevents constipation when fasting. Mineral vitamins in vegetables also function to help the digestion process so that the nutrients needed by the body can be absorbed more optimally.

In addition to vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber and mineral vitamins, make sure that carbohydrate sources are the same. Choose sources of carbohydrates that have lots of fiber such as oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and cereals.

In addition, the body also still needs protein. Good protein, for example, like skinless chicken, fish, eggs, lean meat, tofu and tempeh. Food sources containing this protein will help the body to repair damaged body tissues and maintain the immune system.

While for strong bones, these nutrients are needed

There are 3 important components that must be met to keep bones strong. Vitamin D, calcium, and also protein play an important role in maintaining bone health.

Vitamin D will help the absorption of calcium in the body, so that bone density is maintained every day. In addition, protein is also needed as a component of bone formation so that the bones remain strong.

In order for bones to remain strong when fasting, all of these substances must be present in your food at dawn. Calcium and vitamin D can be obtained from food, such as milk, fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon), beef liver, cheese, eggs, food products that are added with vitamin D such as juice, soy juice, yogurt, and cereal.

By entering the food ingredients in your sahur menu, fasting remains fit, the bones will remain strong throughout the day.

If you feel that you don't eat enough food contains high levels of vitamin D and calcium, try to meet the needs of vitamin D and calcium from supplements. The reason is, if it is not met, the risk for bone loss will occur more quickly.

Example of the sahur menu for strong bones and stay fit

Oats with milk and fruit pieces

benefits of oatmeal

At dawn, besides nutritious food, what is needed is practical food. Oats, milk, with favorite fruit pieces can be the right choice of sahur menu, you know! Oats are a source of carbohydrates that contain lots of fiber to make the stomach can endure hunger for much longer.

Milk is a source of protein, calcium, as well as vitamin D which is needed by the body to maintain bone strength. Even with pieces of fruit, fiber content, and mineral vitamins in it help meet the body's needs in the day ahead so that they are still fulfilled.

If you want a sweeter taste, you can add honey to it. Or if you want a slightly sour taste, you can mix it with yogurt. Yogurt is also rich in calcium and vitamin D, you know!

Brown rice, sauteed vegetables, and cow's eye eggs

recipe for iftar

Like the usual food menu, this time the sahur menu contains staples, side dishes, and vegetables that can keep your fasting fit and your bones strong. This menu consists of brown rice, sauteed vegetables such as capcay and also dishes that are rich in vitamin D and calcium such as eggs.

Brown rice has high fiber and vitamin content and minerals. Red rice is also rich in iron. This iron will then carry oxygen in the body so that it can prevent the occurrence of anemia while fasting.

While sauteed vegetables also contain high fiber, so it can help keep you full longer and prevent constipation.

Eggs in the menu this time as a source of vitamin D and calcium which can help maintain the strength of your bones during fasting. You can process the eggs by making practical ceplok eggs at dawn.

If the egg is not enough to increase your vitamin D and calcium requirements, drinking a glass of milk can be an additional alternative to keep bones strong during fasting.

Tuna pasta

Source: Perdue

Other sahur menus that are equally practical at dawn are pasta and salmon. Pasta that comes from whole wheat will be a power ingredient to provide energy throughout the day. Coupled with topping salmon and vegetables such as broccoli and fiber-rich mushrooms become a mainstay menu for pasta lovers.

This piece of tuna will help meet the needs of vitamin D and calcium in a day. Bones also stay strong during fasting. In addition to tuna pieces, give vegetables in your pasta like peppers that contain lots of vitamins and minerals for the body.

You can replace tuna with other fatty fish such as salmon. You can also add grated cheese on top of your pasta dish to increase the amount of vitamin D and calcium so that bone strength is maintained.

3 Choices of Sahur Menu for Strong Bones and Daily Fit Body This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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