3 Ways to Choose the Best Fruit Juice for Diet This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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There are so many ways you can lose weight, one of the easiest ways is to use fruit juice as diet drinks. However, are you sure that the fruit juice you drink is right?

You not only have to choose real fruit juice and not just drinks with fruit juice, but you also need to make sure that the juice you drink is filling fruit juice, so it doesn't make you hungry fast.

What is healthy fruit juice like that can fill you up?

You are on a diet and confused count the number of calories, sugar, and other compositions that are most likely in your fruit juice drink? Actually, you don't need to worry, you just need to choose the right fruit juice for your diet plan. Then, what kind of healthy fruit juice is right for you who are on a diet?

1. Choose fruits that contain high fiber

If you are on a diet to lose weight and plan to include fruit juice in your daily menu, choose the fruit contains high fiber, to keep you full longer and control your food intake.

Fiber foods are the right intake for those of you who want to lose weight. Fibrous intake can make you full longer because it is digested longer, thus suppressing the desire to consume food in large quantities or exceed what you need.

What fruit should you choose? You can choose guava, apples, oranges, mangoes and lychees. Among the fruits that have been mentioned, guava has highest fiber content namely 5.4 grams, apples contain 2.4 grams of fiber, 2.4 grams of oranges, 1.6 grams of mangoes, and 1.3 grams of lychees. Guava can fulfill your daily fiber requirements of 22%, apples by 10%, oranges 10%, mango 6%, and lychees 5%.

2. Know the right time to drink fruit juice

If you are on a diet, you definitely want to or not must comply with the eating schedule so that your diet goals are achieved. So, do you already know when is the right time to drink healthy fruit juice?

The right time to drink fruit juice that is highly recommended is in the morning or at least half an hour before eating (you can also drink fruit juice one hour before eating).

Morning is the best time to drink fruit juice, because in the morning your stomach is still empty. Sweet foods such as fruit that is made into juice will not be absorbed properly if taken along with meal times.

There are several foods that do require that you do not consume them simultaneously. Drinking juice one or half an hour before meals can control your appetite, especially if the fruit juice you choose contains high fiber. Suitable as a drink for your diet.

3. Find out the right portion of fruit juice

How many times do you drink healthy fruit juice in a day? Three times or only once? According to National Health Service the portion of fruit eating will vary for each person, this depends on their age and weight.

Adults need 80 grams of fruit every day, if you make fruit juice you have to drink as much as 150 ml and without artificial sweeteners. This portion of juice is enough to fill you up without feeling excessive.

What if you prefer bottled fruit juice?

Many people don't like to drink fruit juice because they have to bother peeling fruit and making their own juice. Many of you might think of buying bottled fruit juice but are confused about what kind of fruit juice is good and can support your healthy lifestyle.

When you buy packaged juices, make sure you choose packaged juices made from real fruit, not just drinks with fruit flavors. You can choose Buavita as a useful choice because of its nutrition.

No need to hesitate with the content of the fruit, Buavita is made with real fruit, not just a fruit-flavored drink. In fact, Buavita Mango and Guava have a thick texture and contain three times more fruit than drinks that are flavored or fruit juice. Can be an option healthy drinks for those of you who are on a diet.

Buavita processed using UHT technology. According to food technology research, UHT is the safest preservation technology, by being heated in temperatures of more than 150 degrees Celsius, but the process is only 1-2 seconds. Now, you don't need to be confused anymore about choosing fruit juices that are good for a healthy lifestyle.

3 Ways to Choose the Best Fruit Juice for Diet This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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