4 Benefits of Tuna that You Can Not Have Just Missed


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Tuna, a sea fish favored by many people, turns out to be able to weigh up to 680 kg. This fish is a favorite of most people because it is easily processed and has thick and soft meat. Tuna is a good source of protein, but not many people know the other benefits of tuna. Then, what are the benefits of tuna for health?

4 benefits of tuna that are not widely known

1. Complete source of protein

The main benefits of tuna are as a source of protein. But this is not an ordinary source of protein, tuna contains protein that is complete in the meat.

This means that tuna has all kinds of amino acids the body needs. Whatever type of tuna is consumed, you can get large amounts of protein, 24-30 grams of protein per 85 grams of tuna meat.

This complete protein from tuna will keep the body's tissues functioning properly. Starting from forming hormones, forming enzymes, forming collagen, forming antibodies and maintaining muscle tissue in the body can be obtained from the consumption of protein in tuna.

Besides the complete protein contained in tuna, the type of protein present in tuna is a type of low-fat protein.

2. Healthy heart because it has good fat

Not only the protein content that can meet the body needs of other tuna fish benefits is that it contains healthy fats. Healthy fats contained in tuna are very beneficial for heart health.

Tuna contains low saturated fat. This fat has the effect of clogging the arteries and you are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Meanwhile, high tuna fish will contain omega-3 fats types of EPA and DHA which can prevent inflammation in the body. Inflammation that occurs in the body can damage blood vessels and cause heart disease and stroke.

These omega-3 fatty acids in the form of EPA and DHA can also reduce triglyceride levels, slightly lower blood pressure, reduce the occurrence of blood clots, reduce the risk of stroke, and heart failure.

Reported on the Harvard Medical School page, as many as 85 grams of canned tuna contain 500 mg of omega-3 fat. So, you should consume fish at least 1-2 servings a week, especially fish that are rich in fatty acids such as tuna can reduce the risk of heart disease.

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3. Rich in vitamin B6

Tuna also contains high levels of vitamin B6, especially in yellowfin and albacore tuna. Vitamin B6 obtained from tuna has many functions in the body, such as helping produce hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is a protein that functions to capture and carry oxygen in the blood to all body tissues that need oxygen. In the absence of sufficient oxygen in each tissue, the function of the tissue will continue to decrease and cause the body to feel weak or easily tired.

Reported on the Everyday Health page, vitamin B6 is also needed to maintain the function of brain cells and cells in the nervous system. Vitamin B6 will also help the body make serotonin (which regulates mood), and norepineprin (which helps the body deal with stress).

In 100 grams of tuna contains 0.5-0.9 grams of vitamin B6 which can help your body meet the needs of pyridoxine.

4. As a good source of minerals

Tuna is a source of mineral-rich protein, especially magnesium, selenium, and phosphorus. Tuna contains 34-36 grams of magnesium in 100 grams. Bluefin tuna has a magnesium content of 64 grams per 100 grams of tuna. While 85 grams of tuna contains 185-265 mg of phosphorus, depending on the type of tuna consumed.

Magnesium is needed by more than 300 chemical reactions that occur in the body. Magnesium helps maintain healthy nerves, muscles, keeps the heart rate stable, helps strengthen bone tissue, and also helps regulate blood sugar release.

Selenium which is needed in small amounts in the body has a very large function. Selenium serves to help produce antioxidants in the body that play a role in preventing the formation of free radicals.

Furthermore, phosphorus is an important mineral that has a main function for the growth and repair of cells and body tissues. 85 percent of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth. With calcium, phosphorus will form the structure and strength of bones. All three important mineral substances can all be found in tuna.

Although there are a myriad of benefits of tuna, don't overdo it

Although the benefits of tuna are overwhelming to optimize the functions and all chemical processes in the body, you should not consume them too much.

Consumption of tuna in a week is 1-2 times or a maximum of 6 ounces or 170 grams per week. Because, one of the main problems with tuna is its mercury content. Large amounts of mercury can be harmful to the nervous system so you need to limit it.

4 Benefits of Tuna that You Can Not Have Just Missed
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