4 Causes That Make You Frequently Overeating Too Much This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Everything that is excessive than it should have a negative impact, including when eating. Excessive eating can be harmful to the health of the body, from triggering obesity, increasing the risk of chronic diseases, and even causing mental problems, you know! Therefore, regulating how much food enters the body is very important. Do you know what causes frequent overeating? And what is the solution?

These are some of the reasons people overeat

1. Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the causes of overeating that you don't realize. Fatigue due to lack of sleep reduces the ability of people to control appetite without realizing it.

Research from Preceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that people who lack sleep can eat up to 5% more calories per day than people who have enough rest. Often due to eating more at night.

Fatigue in the end can also increase the risk of stress. Subsequent stress can also affect one's appetite. There are some people who vent their stress on food so that they tend to eat more.

2. Too hungry

Too hungry because leaving one meal time can also be a cause of overeating. Passing the meal deliberately is usually done to lose weight. But in fact, this actually has the opposite effect.

When the body passes one meal, it will feel very hungry. When the body is too hungry, the body feels it needs a lot of energy from food to survive. This is why people will tend to eat more alias "revenge".

Research conducted at Cornell University also found that people who skip meals and starve their bodies instead will take 31% more junk food compared to people who eat snacks as a precursor when choosing food.

Well, what happens if you eat junk food until it's cracked? Foods that are rich in fat and sugar salt actually make a new problem, namely the increasing fat deposits in the body.

3. Don't focus when eating

How often do you eat while playing smartphones, watching TV, or playing a laptop? Or even have eaten while working at the computer? Well, did you know it actually became multitasking when eating reduces the body's ability to feel the amount of food you eat. In this way, how full the food comes in seems not to be felt and this can be the cause of overeating.

Research shows that eating while watching makes you eat more food and reduce the ability to remember how much food you have eaten. Though scientists say that remembering how much food has been eaten can increase awareness about how filling the food is, so this will have an impact on the amount of food consumed later.

4. Most sugar

Apart from increasing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, consuming too much sugar can also make you overeat.

Excess sugar disrupts the function of the system controlling appetite in your body. Under normal conditions when we eat, the body will reduce the hormone ghrelin (hunger hormone), so that we no longer feel hungry, and release the hormone leptin (key hormone) so that we feel full and stop eating.

However, when you consume too much sugar, the body fails to suppress the hormone ghrelin (hormone hunger) and is less effective at releasing the hormone leptin (full hormone). This is what can make someone always hungry and eat a lot.

Then what is the solution so that you don't go crazy and overeat?

In order not to get confused and overeat, there are several ways you can do it.

1. Healthy snacking before a big meal

Before eating large, snacking on healthy snacks that are high in fiber and protein such as SOYJOY Crispy can help you control your appetite so that it doesn't falter when big meals arrive. SOYJOY Crispy is a healthy snack that is present in granules soypuff crispy with delicious vanilla flavor.

This snack is made from 100% whole baked soybeans. Soybean content is high in fiber and the protein will be slowly digested by the body so that it makes us full longer and helps maintain blood sugar. Therefore, SOYJOY Crispy is also safe for diabetics.

Eating a packet of SOYJOY Crispy before a big meal can help you control hunger when meals arrive, so you won't overeat.

2. Don't eat in a hurry

Eat slowly, focus on food in your mouth and feel the texture, remember how much you chew. Give a break between the first and the next bribe. Enjoy the process so that you don't forget yourself and take more food. Remember too, don't eat while watching or doing other things that can make you forget what and how much you eat.

3. Enough rest

Sleeping 7-9 hours to avoid severe fatigue can also help you maintain your diet and can limit overeating, especially eating at night.

4 Causes That Make You Frequently Overeating Too Much This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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