4 ways to get used to breakfast every morning


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A pile of daily activities, sometimes making you ignore breakfast. Breakfast is basically your main provision to start the day's activities. Many people skip breakfast on the grounds that they are on a diet, have no time, bother cooking early, and many other reasons.

But do you know, breakfast for the body is more important than lunch and dinner? Yes, all you need to do is get used to breakfast every day. Want to know how easy? See the explanation below.

4 Ways to get used to regular breakfast every day

1. When shopping, take the time to buy ingredients for breakfast

If you go shopping to the mall or just to the mini market, try to buy some ingredients for breakfast. For example, for those of you who live alone or boarding, do not want to bother with breakfast, can buy cereal, oatmeal, milk, or even fresh bread in preparation for your simple breakfast.

With the first step of getting used to this breakfast, you can trigger motivation to use all the prepared foods, and certainly easy to make.

2. Prepare breakfast at night

Breakfast is often considered an activity that wastes your morning time. If you already think like this, it will be difficult to get used to a regular breakfast. You really don't need to waste time, because this can be tricked by preparing breakfast at night before. Next, some simple breakfast samples that you can make at night:

  • Make smoothies. Just 5 minutes to prepare it. Initially, wash your favorite fruits and vegetables, after that puree. Once ready, you can savesmoothies in the refrigerator, to make it more fresh and delicious tomorrow morning.
  • Ready to serve salad. For those of you who don't want to be bothered but still consume a healthy breakfast, you can make a one-night salad recipe at night. Wash and peel vegetables and salads. Add it topping healthy like olive oil. SOnce ready, put it overnight in the refrigerator. You can immediately eat tomorrow morning.

3. Bringing breakfast supplies

You can do breakfast wherever you are, on public transportation, in the office, or even while walking. You only need to make or bring lunch that is easy to carry and eat everywhere. For example, you can make sandwiches or bread with chocolate jam that is easily eaten. At least, you can get used to breakfast in the morning day.

4. Don't eat before going to bed, and wake up half an hour earlier

You can get used to breakfast if you don't eat or snack at night before going to bed. If you are hungry at night before going to bed, you can drink mineral water only, given that hunger at night is mostly a false hunger condition. That way, in the morning the body will tend to be hungry to burn energy on that day.

Well, the next day, install an alarm half an hour more than the start of your daily wake time. When you wake up, you may lie relaxed for 15 minutes first. This activity lying down when you wake up can trigger hunger, especially if at night you do not give heavy intake into the digestion.

After that, 15 minutes later you can prepare a simple breakfast as described earlier. So, this way you don't need to skip breakfast, and you can start getting used to breakfast.

4 ways to get used to breakfast every morning
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