Are Men Really Too Thin to Have Difficult to Have Children?


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During this time when there are couples who are trying a pregnancy, usually only prospective mothers are asked to maintain an ideal body weight. Because the mother's weight before and during pregnancy can indeed determine the health of the prospective baby. But did you know that prospective fathers should also maintain an ideal body weight? Btight body does not only affect the appearance and confidence of men, you know. A body that is too thin can also make a man infertile. Why?

Thin body causes men difficult to have children

Many people underestimate the importance of maintaining an ideal body weight. In fact, each person's body weight actually represents the health condition of the body. As for having children, both prospective mothers and prospective fathers must both have excellent health.

Recently a number of studies have uncovered that it is not just obesity (overweight) that can make women or men infertile. Apparently lack of weight can also make it difficult for men to have children.

In a study by experts in Scotland, it was reported that men who were too thin would be more difficult to have children when compared to men who had the ideal body weight. The study involved more than two thousand men who underwent a pregnancy program at the fertility facility Aberdeen Facility Center, Scotland.

Why is the body that is too thin to make a man infertile?

According to research, men with body weight below BMI (body mass index or the ideal human body mass index) has a lower number and quality of sperm than men whose weight is in accordance with BMI.

In fact, to increase the chances of a couple's pregnancy, men must have healthy and quality sperm cells. The quality of the sperm itself can be judged by the speed of movement (motility) sperm. This is important so that in a woman's body, sperm can immediately go to the egg and fertilize. In addition, sufficient sperm count will also help your partner get pregnant quickly.

In order for sperm cells to remain of high quality and sufficient amount, men must fulfill their daily nutritional needs. Well, if your body weight is below BMI, it means that your nutritional intake is not balanced or even less.

Lack of nutrients, such as protein, will certainly affect sperm cell production. Coupled with the fact that hormone levels in your body are very dependent on fulfilling balanced nutrition. Remember, unstable hormone levels will also make men infertile.

In addition, the fat layer surrounding the testis is equally important. This layer functions to "wrap" the testicles and keep sperm in them in an ideal temperature so that the quality is maintained. Sperm in environments that are too hot can be damaged.

How to calculate your ideal body weight

First, you must first measure your BMI or body mass index. Because the ideal body weight for each person is different. To calculate BMI, the formula is body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

So for example your body weight is 55 kilograms while your height is 1.75 meters (175 centimeters). Multiply your height in squares first. For example 1.75 x 1.75 = 3.06. Then divide your weight by 3.06. So 55 / 3.06 = 17,9.

Now, try to compare the final results with the categories below.

  • ≤ 18.5 = Less weight
  • 18,5 - 24,9 = Normal weight
  • 24,9 - 29,9 = excessive weight
  • ≥ 30 = obesity

Because your BMI number was 17.9, you are in the category of underweight.

How to gain a healthy weight

The best way to gain weight is to increase your daily calorie intake. Calories can be obtained from various important nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber. That's why you should increase your daily meal portion.

For the best results, you can consult directly with a doctor and nutritionist to determine what diet and lifestyle can support a safe and healthy increase in body weight.

Are Men Really Too Thin to Have Difficult to Have Children?
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