6 Changes That Occur In Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar


Medical Video: Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days

When was the last time you ate sweet foods or used sugar in your drink? Actually, the sugar needs of adults in a day are only around 6-9 teaspoons, and this includes sugar in your sweet snack. Be careful if you eat sugar too often and a lot, because it can cause chronic illness.

Therefore it is better to stop eating sugar from now on. Here are the body changes that occur when you stop eating sugar.

1. The heart returns to function properly if you stop eating sugar

Do you realize that the sugar that you eat so far has disrupted the heart's work? Even a study revealed that high sugar in the diet causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. If you continue to eat sugar, it is not impossible in the future you will experience a heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease.

So, if you keep sugar away from your food and drink, your heart will return to health and reduce the risk of heart failure.

2. You can say goodbye to your zits

It could be, the main cause of zits on your face is the habit of eating too much sugar. Why? Because one of the triggers for the appearance of pimples on your face is inflammation of the body's system, while this inflammation is mostly caused by too much sugar.

The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who drank more than one can of soda or other sweet drinks per week had a 87% higher risk of inflammation than people who did not drink sweet drinks. If you limit eating sugar, you don't need to buy a lot of makeup equipment to cover pimples.

3. You stay away from the risk of diabetes

It is not surprising if someone who eats sugar and various sweet foods is at high risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The sugar that enters the body will slowly interfere with the work of homon insulin, so that the hormone can no longer regulate blood sugar and eventually diabetes.

In order for you to be far from these risks, you should dispose of all sweet foods and avoid eating excessive sugar. A study even proves that people who consume a number of sugars containing 150 calories have an 11 times higher risk of developing diabetes mellitus than those who consume 150 calories from protein foods.

4. No more mood swing

Did you know that your mood changes can be caused by too much sugar you add to your drink or sweet snacks that you always eat at rest. Research conducted by Columbia University found that women who eat sugar too much, often experience anxiety, unstable emotions, and mood swing.

5. The ability to remember becomes stronger

Have you often forgotten in recent times? If so, try to reduce the amount of sugar you consume a day. Because sugar can cause brain disorders by damaging signals between brain nerve cells. When signals are not well received by brain nerve cells, there is information that is lacking and not obtained by the brain. This makes you often forget and the ability to remember more and more decreases.

6. The diet is successful, the weight goes down

Reducing sugar will speed up your diet successfully. Yes, just two teaspoons of sugar is equivalent to 27 calories and 9 grams of carbohydrates. Imagine how much sugar is in your food and drink in a day. It could be, you consume 150-300 calories only from sugar and sweet foods. Of course, not a small number for people who are on a diet. If you manage to stop eating sugar, your diet program will be easier.

6 Changes That Occur In Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar
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