Don't be fooled by a seemingly low calorie snack! Here's how to calculate the number of original calories


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The cause of your increasing body weight is the consumption of calories in your food which is also excessive and not according to your needs. By counting food calories, you can control your weight and even reduce it to reach ideal. You can easily count calories on packaged foods by reading the nutritional value.

Be careful, the packaged foods you choose can look low in calories, but the reality is not like that. Here is how to properly calculate food calories on packaging labels.

How do you calculate the calories of packaged food?

How often do you read food labels when buying a product? Inside the label, you can find out how many food calories and other nutrients contained in the food.

Maybe you buy a food because you see a low calorie content. But you can be fooled because the calories listed on the label are not the total calories contained in the food. Don't want to be fooled? Follow the following steps.

1. See how many calories the food is printed on

Every packaged food must have a different calorie content. For example, you want to buy a snack and the calories listed on the label are only about 100 calories. When you look at these numbers you might be tempted to buy them because of the large size of the snack pack, but it only contains 100 calories.

If you think like that, then that is not right. Because, the calories listed on food packaging usually do not describe the total calories in the food. Moreover, snacks, the total calories of food contained can be missed. You must know the amount per serving, so you can calculate the total calories.

2. Check the amount per serving or serving size

How much total calories contained in the packaged food actually depends on the amount per serving. Usually, the amount per serving or serving dose is listed above or in addition to the number of calories you have previously read. The amount per serving is the amount of food calculated in units, for example one seed, one item, and so on. Meanwhile, serving sizes are calculated based on the weight of the amount per serving.

For example, if the food label shows that serving quantities are as much as 20 grams and the amount per serving is 3 pieces, then this means that every 3 snacks have a weight of 20 grams.

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3. Calculate the amount per serving with food calories

After knowing the number of calories, serving size and amount per serving, you can calculate the total calories. The food calories listed on the label, usually only describe calories per serving or the number of servings.

So, if there are written 100 calories, then you can get the calorie content from 20 grams or the equivalent of 3 snacks. Not yet total calories from one package. If you want to know the total calories, then you can multiply it by the net weight of the snack you bought.

For example, the total weight of snacks is 80 grams, so the total calories you eat are 400 calories - only from snacks. After you count the total amount of food calories, you just realize that the snack you eat is actually equivalent to your breakfast allotment every day.

This also applies to other nutrients, all the nutrients contained in the nutritional value information depend on the serving size or the number of servings per package.

Don't be fooled by a seemingly low calorie snack! Here's how to calculate the number of original calories
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