3 Key Keys to Preventing Child Worms


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In Indonesia, many people who still use intestinal worms are trivial. In fact, the prevalence of intestinal worms in Indonesia is high. Worms can happen to anyone. However, generally children are more susceptible to worms. If the child has worms, it will inhibit his growth and intelligence. So, how to prevent it? The answer is in this article.

Causes of intestinal worms in children

The child is said to be exposed to intestinal worms when the feces are found in the worm or the eggs that have multiplied and take food nutrients in the intestine. There are various types of worms that can live in the human intestine, including roundworms, whip worms, hookworms, and pinworms.

Generally, worms are easily infected with children through unhygienic food, open defecation, and due to direct contact with dirty objects or soil that has been infected with worm eggs. Children who look healthy can be exposed to intestinal worms. Therefore, it is important to apply healthy behavior.

After successfully penetrating the skin, the worm then enters the veins (veins) into organs in the human body. Worms also often multiply and colonize the intestine. There, worms will take nutrients and bite the walls of the human intestine. This will make someone who is infected with worms resulting in malnutrition.

Symptoms of child worms

The most common symptoms of intestinal worms are children experiencing malnutrition, often feeling tired, anemia, frequent abdominal pain, difficulty concentrating, and often itching around the anus at night. This happens because the worm is laying eggs and producing larvae that are released through the anus, so that the part often feels itchy.

Initially the symptoms of intestinal worms do look general, so they are often underestimated. In fact, if not treated immediately will interfere with children's development. In fact, there are children whose intestines need to be operated on because the worms in their stomach have blocked the digestive tract.

Well, if the worm has clogged the intestine, then the patient's stomach will become distended. JiIf you continue to be left there will be inflammation of the intestine that makes the intestines break even to cause death.

How to prevent child worms

To prevent things that are not desirable as explained above, it's good for you as a parent to always keep the environment clean and monitor every child's activities.Here are some ways you can prevent child worms:

1. Maintain personal hygiene and the environment

Hygiene is the most important thing to prevent the spread of worm eggs that can cause child worms. Steps to maintain cleanliness can be done by:

  • Start to maintain the cleanliness of the little feet and hands. The trick, teach to routinely wash your hands and feet before and after doing activities using soap.
  • Routinely cut nails because worm eggs like to be in this section.
  • Get used to keeping clean after urinating by cleaning the genitals and / or rectum properly and washing hands with soap
  • Avoid your child doing nail biting habits that can make some germs, bacteria or worm eggs can get into the mouth.

2. Cook properly

Make sure you cook the food until it's cooked. If your child will eat raw vegetables and fruits, make sure you wash them clean. Worm eggs can be on contaminated soil. If your child will eat raw meat, make sure that the meat is guaranteed to be free of worms.

3. Take worm medicine

If necessary, consult a doctor and try to consume intestinal worms that can be given to children from the age of two years and above. Because, at the age of two years the child can consume worm medicine because at that age the child is actively moving and starts playing dirty-dirt.Later, your child may react uncomfortable after consuming worm medicine. But, worm medicine needs to be given to prevent recurrent infections. Consult with your doctor about recommended worm medicine.

3 Key Keys to Preventing Child Worms
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