Don't Want Menopause Quickly? Come on, delay with the right choice of food


Medical Video: Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman | Perimenopause, Menopause and IF

Every woman has her time to experience menopause. Menopause is the phase of cessation of the production of reproductive hormones so that women will no longer experience menstruation. The cessation of this menstrual cycle is predicted to be associated with a number of dangerous diseases in women. Therefore, many health aspects have been researched to see what affects the onset of menopause, including food. Then, is it true that food can delay menopause in women?

What happens when a woman's body starts menopause?

When entering menopause, women will experience many changes in the amount of hormones that make it risky to experience a number of diseases.

Reported on the Medical Daily website, researchers have found that early menopause (too fast menopause) can have an impact on decreased bone density, osteoporosis, a higher risk of heart disease.

Therefore, delaying menopause naturally is one of the right things to avoid increasing the risk. Actually, there are several ways you can do to delay menopause, one of which is to regulate your diet.

Even regulating your diet has been shown to affect the time of menopause in some women. This is reported in the 2017 Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.

Food can delay menopause, said the study

Researchers from the University of Leeds UK found that certain food groups have the ability to delay menopause. In the 2017 journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, researchers found that consumption of oily fish and plenty of fresh legumes (beans) was able to delay menopause for almost three years.

Meanwhile, women who in their diets eat foods high in carbohydrates, such as pasta and rice, tend to experience premature menopause and are at risk of various chronic diseases.

The researchers concluded that this might occur because of the content of omega-3 fatty acids contained in these foods. Yes, this nutrient acts as an antioxidant so that it can delay the body's aging process, including menopause.

Well, on the contrary, consuming too much carbohydrates can make the hormone insulin not work better and ultimately affect the functioning of other hormones, such as the hormone estrogen.

In the study also found that vitamin B6 and zinc minerals, have the same ability to delay early menopause in women. Even so, the relationship between eating patterns and the time of menopause must be examined further.

Other health benefits if you eat fish and legumes

Not only can you delay menopause naturally, basically oily fish and legumes have many benefits for overall health.

Benefits of good fat fish

Reported on the Medical News Today website, fish that have good fats have a myriad of benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, increasing brain capacity, protecting the body from cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

Some examples of fish that contain good fats are:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Mackarel
  • Tuna

The content of EPA and DHA contained in the group of fish is very important to maintain the function of the heart and blood vessels. American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating oily fish 2x a week or about 350 grams a week.

Benefits of legumes

Legumes are a source of protein that does not contain bad fats and is high in fiber. The fiber that these legumes have provides a filling effect so that this can help control and maintain an ideal body weight. Examples of lots of legumes that you find around like:

  • Red beans
  • Soybeans
  • White beans
  • Peas
  • Green beans
  • Almond nut

But keep in mind that eating fish or legumes (nuts) must be in accordance with the recommendations and a balanced diet. If both are consumed in excess, it can cause disease.

Don't Want Menopause Quickly? Come on, delay with the right choice of food
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