Guide to Choosing Foods for Patients with Dialysis


Medical Video: Renal nutrition therapy for kidney disease

Someone who experiences kidney damage severe frequent use is recommended for dialysis (dialysis) This is done in an effort to replace kidney function that is not functioning normally. When performing this procedure, your doctor may ask each patient to follow a special diet during dialysis. Because, eating the right foods and drinks can help improve the health of patients who have to undergo dialysis procedures. So, what is the best diet for dialysis patients? Find out the answers in this article.

Diet for dialysis patients

1. Sufficient protein needs

Dialysis patients generally need high protein intake because many proteins are lost during the dialysis process. Although most dialysis patients are encouraged to consume high quality protein, You still have to pay attention to the amount and type of protein consumed

Because the consumption of protein that is too high can lead to an increase in the amount of urea in the blood which will burden the already weak kidney.

That is why, consult your doctor or nutritionist first so you know how much protein you can consume according to your needs.

2. Pay attention to fluid intake

Disrupted kidney function affects the ability of the kidneys to get rid of excess fluid in the body. That is why, it is important for people who have kidney damage to pay attention to their fluid intake.

Well, for dialysis patients, your doctor or nutritionist will usually determine how much fluid you can consume every day. This is done because excess fluid in the body can increase blood pressure, make the heart work harder, and increase stress during dialysis.

Remember, this fluid intake is not only limited to mineral water or water. You also have to limit the intake of fluids from fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water.

3. Limit salt

Excessive salt intake for people who have chronic kidney damage can make you thirst faster, make the heart work harder to pump fluid, and cause high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.

That is why, it is important for you to limit your intake of foods that are high in salt or even avoid salt altogether in your food.

Some types of high-salt foods that you should avoid like canned meat, salted chips, instant noodlesand fast food. Instead, increase the intake of vegetables with low salt levels such as cabbage, cucumber and eggplant.

4. Consume enough phosphorus

Phosphorus intake is needed by the body to help the kidneys to filter out waste substances that are needed by the body. Unfortunately, eating too many foods high in phosphorus will actually worsen kidney damage. That is why, most doctors generally advise patients to limit consumption of phosphorus so as not to burden the work of the kidneys that are getting weaker.

Some high-phosphorus foods you should avoid such as milk and dairy products, sardines, soft drinks and beer.

Basically, to ascertain what is the best food intake for dialysis patients, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist. Because the various food intake mentioned above will be adjusted to your calorie needs, body weight, and condition.

Guide to Choosing Foods for Patients with Dialysis
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