6 Common Questions About Diabetes and Sex Life


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Type 1 and 2 diabetes can cause certain effects or effects on a person's sex life. In some cases, sexual performance can be affected by diabetes. For those of you who have this problem, you might be wondering what are the effects of diabetes on your sex life?

Effects of diabetes on sexual life

1. For men: What are the effects of diabetes on my sex life?

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For men, diabetes can cause damage to the nervous system, this is known as diabetes neuropathy. One of the risks of this diabetes is the damage to erectile tissue which makes penile erection difficult to achieve, or even difficult to maintain an erection.

Almost 1 in 3 men people with diabetes experience erectile dysfunction. In fact, erectile dysfunction can also be a way for men to detect whether they have diabetes or not.

However, through healthier life changes such as diet, exercise, not forgetting to take medication and injections of insulin, sexual problems in people with diabetes can usually improve and the men may be able to reach their erections again.

2. For women: What are the effects of diabetes on my life?

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For some women with diabetes, it is generally at risk of being affected vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) and can occur continuously. Vaginitis can be caused by several different things including imbalance of bacteria in the vagina (bacterial vaginitis), fungal infections (thrush), or from chemical irritation, such as from soap or clothing softener.

This can make sexual intercourse very painful, and is made worse by itching or burning. Cystitis can also be an ongoing problem for women with diabetes. In addition, some evidence shows that, like men who are unable to maintain an erection, a woman's clitoris may also not be able to respond to stimuli for sex.

3. Is it true, if having sex can cause hypoglycemia (blood sugar drops)?

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Hypoglycemia can occur when you are having sex. You can also suffer from hypoglycemia at night, because sometimes sexual activity can be considered a sport.

However, measuring blood sugar before you have sex might actually damage it mood You. The reason is, if your blood sugar before having sex is already low, this can undermine your intention to have sex.

Therefore, the way you handle blood sugar during intercourse depends on your personal comfort. If you have an understanding partner, it certainly helps, but how you handle this yourself is equally important. Open communication between partners can help you through sexual problems in diabetes.

4. Can blood sugar levels affect sex performance?

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Yes, can. The effects of diabetes that are characterized by high blood glucose levels may cause you to feel more tired or lethargic, and you become less passionate about having sex.

In men, high or low blood sugar can affect the ability to maintain an erection and achieve ejaculation. You may also experience hypoglycemia in the midst of sex. This may damage the atmosphere, but can usually be overcome with medication from a doctor or even lead a healthy lifestyle.

5. What should be done when diabetes affects the sex life?

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The first thing to do is to contact your doctor and discuss sex problems that occur because of the effects of diabetes. Often, this problem can only be overcome with the help of experts.

You don't need to be embarrassed. Most doctors are accustomed to discussing this problem, and they will determine whether your problem is a physical problem or a psychological problem, because many cases that turn out to be handled by psychological methods.

Many men prefer to take drugs to help increase their arousal, and some men report that their erectile dysfunction problems have been helped by Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.

6. Can I get diabetes through sex?

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No, you don't get diabetes by only having sex with your partner. It is impossible to contract diabetes from other people. Diabetes is a disease that develops in the body of some people who do have the diabetes gene itself.

Scientists haven't found exactly what causes diabetes, but they know it's not contagious. You cannot "get infected" like you runny nose or sexually transmitted diseases.

Although you will not get diabetes from having sex, you can still contract many other diseases and infections such as hepatitis, herpes, or HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) if you have unprotected sex.

People with diabetes may feel "different" because they often need injections, blood sugar testing, or other things that always remind them that they have the disease.

Everyone handles this in their own way. Some people don't want to exaggerate it or don't want to be reminded of it.

Some other people want to be understood and supported, especially by the closest person. Find out how your partner wants to be treated, and respect his wishes. This is a good way to show your concern.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

6 Common Questions About Diabetes and Sex Life
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