Is it Really Effective Green Tea to Prevent Cancer?


Medical Video: Insidermedicine In Depth - October 28, 2010 - Green Tea and Breast Cancer

Many people recommend drinking green tea or green tea without any mixture because the antioxidant content can prevent cancer. Wait a minute, is it true that green tea can prevent cancer? Find out the answer below.

Is it true that green tea can prevent cancer?

the benefits of drinking green tea

Some researchers believe green tea has a cancer protection effect because it contains polyphenols which are antioxidants. Polyphenols in tea from green leaves are called catechins or known as epigallocatechin 3 gallate (EGCG). This EGCG can cause cancer cells to die, as well as the effect on normal cells. This effect is important to note because cancer cells differ from normal cells and normal body cells do not need to be killed when these cells continue to grow and spread in the body.

Some laboratory studies show that green tea can help prevent certain cancer growth. These include cancers of the skin, lungs, breast, bladder, liver, prostate, large intestine and esophagus. This study shows that compounds in tea can help block blood vessels from supplying blood to cancer cells. The results of this study led many people to think that green tea can prevent cancer, but in fact the results of this tea study in humans have not been able to confirm and prove it.

In most studies about green tea, researchers compared tea drinkers with people who were not tea drinkers. Actually it is difficult to draw conclusions from the research model. The study meta-analysisgreen tea can't find evidence that green tea have effects that can protect the body from cancer.

Even so, this tea is generally considered safe for consumption. One or two cups of tea is not harmful to the body. However, researchers found that people who are allergic to green tea should stop drinking this tea. Besides that there is an increase liver failure Acute among people taking green tea extract supplements. Therefore, drinking fresh tea is more recommended than taking green tea supplements.

The results of the study say there is no scientific evidence of this tea that can help prevent or treat certain types of cancer in humans. Randomized clinical trials are needed to determine the effectiveness of green tea in humans. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking large quantities of supplements of any ingredient.

Then, what are the other benefits green tea?

1. Helps relaxation

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Content theanin in green tea it is known to have a calming effect when consumed. When you relax while sipping your tea drink, make sure not to brew the tea in boiling water. Catechins which is very beneficial in green tea can be damaged in high temperatures.

Temperature 70-75 degrees Celsius is the most optimal temperature for brewing green tea. In addition, you can also add lemons to your tea. Vitamin C makes absorption catechins in the body more optimal. Avoid mixing green tea with milk because it will reduce absorption in the intestine.

2. Good for the skin

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Frequently exposed to the sun makes your skin exposed to a lot of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This can increase the risk of skin cancer. Green tea is known to contain a large amount of antioxidants that are quite potent named epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

Based on these facts, a study has investigated potential green tea in treating skin cancer. The scientists found that the extract green tea made in capsules can reduce the risk of skin cancer, although it cannot prevent one hundred percent.

3. Healthy for the heart

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Drink green tea just won't prevent it heart attack. However, a study shows that drinking green tea has good benefits for blood vessel health. People who consume this tea regularly have healthier blood vessels than those who don't. Recent research also shows that consuming green tea can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

4. Maintain vision

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Did you know that tissue in the eye can also absorb antioxidants? A study conducted in animals showed that EGCG was deep green tea can penetrate the visual tissues. This substance may be able to provide protection against visual disturbances such as glaucoma.

5. Helps sleep well

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Research shows that antioxidants are contained in green tea can help sufferers obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a condition that causes periodic breathing problems when you sleep. This condition causes disruption of oxygen flow to your brain. If left unchecked, this condition can affect the learning and memory process.

In research conducted on mice, compounds catechins found in green tea can provide better cognitive results compared to mice that were not given green tea at all.

Is it Really Effective Green Tea to Prevent Cancer?
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