Is it Really Routine to Drink Vitamin C Can Prevent Anemia?


Medical Video: Iron Tablets | How To Take Iron Tablets | How To Reduce Iron Supplement Side Effects (2018)

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in the world. The cause is iron deficiency so the body cannot produce hemoglobin, a protein which is an important component of the formation of healthy red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia can make you weak, pale, dizzy, headache, to shortness of breath. One way to overcome anemia is to take vitamin C supplements, although you can also eat foods that are a source of vitamin C. Why is that?

Vitamin C supplements, a good way to deal with anemia

Vitamin C helps the absorption and storage of iron in the liver, so consumption of vitamin C supplements can increase hemoglobin levels because the iron will be converted into blood cells.

Consumption of vitamin C 25 mg supplements can increase iron absorption by two-fold, while consumption of 250 mg of vitamin C can increase iron absorption up to 5-fold.

Therefore, you should always need enough body vitamin C every day, especially for those of you who have anemia. The need for vitamin C for men is around 90 mg per day, while women need 75 mg of vitamin C every day.

However, it is actually better to get your daily vitamin C intake from fresh food sources. Because the vitamin C contained in fruit can last longer in the body. While vitamin C from supplements can be quickly flushed through urine.

Any food that is rich in vitamin C

Here is a list of some foods that are rich in vitamin C. You can try consuming these foods with proper processing.

  • Guava
  • Paprika
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi
  • Orange
  • Lychee
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberry
  • Toge
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach

Be careful, how to process the wrong foods can reduce levels of vitamin C

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best source of vitamin C. However, the wrong cooking process can reduce up to 50-80% of the vitamin C content in these foods.

For example, when you cook spinach, cooking it for 5 minutes will eliminate as much as 11 percent. Cooking it for up to 30 minutes can eliminate 60% of its vitamin C content. Another example of carrots, when you cook for 5 minutes, the content of vitamin C will disappear as much as 16%, but when the cooking process reaches 30 minutes, as much as 50% of vitamin C will disappear.

So when processing food, you need to know the right way. Don't cook fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C in a hot fire, making sure the temperature isn't too hot (low heat) and add a little water to reduce the amount of vitamin C that is wasted.

Is there a way to deal with other iron deficiency anemia?

  • Changing eating habits by adding food consumption that facilitates iron absorption, for example foods rich in vitamin C. You can also try taking iron tablet supplements.
  • Avoid consuming foods that can inhibit iron absorption, such as phytate, phosphate and tannins (eg wine, berries and chocolate).
  • Don't forget to process food in the right way and not process it too long.
Is it Really Routine to Drink Vitamin C Can Prevent Anemia?
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