Gotu Kola, Herbal Plants with a myriad of Benefits


Medical Video: Gotu Kola Benefits for the Brain, the Nerves and Varicose Veins

Centella asiatica, aka gotu kola, or better known as gotu kola, is a wild plant that grows a lot in China, Indonesia, Japan and India. Since thousands of years ago, Centella asiatica has been called a perennial herb that is used to treat various diseases. The abundant benefits of gotu kola attract many experts to further examine the effectiveness of this one herbal plant. Some of its properties have been scientifically proven to help treat certain diseases. Find out the myriad of gotu kola benefits for health in this article.

Various benefits of gotu kola for health

1. Accelerate wound healing

remove scars

The latest study conducted in April 2018 looked at the benefits of gotu kola to reduce scarring after surgery. As a result, patients who regularly take gotu kola leaf extract after surgery experience a faster healing process. In fact, the appearance of scar tissue in the area of ​​the former surgical incision also tends to be less.

Not only that, Centella asiatica aka gotu kola can also be used as an ointment Burns. This is based on reports published in the journal Medicine. In the report it was known that a patient had burns and immediately applied a leaf extract ointment Centella asiatica the injured area experiences a faster healing process. This herbal ointment also helps reduce the risk of infection in the skin.

This one gotu kola benefit has actually been known for centuries. Yes, traditionally gotu kola has long been used to treat minor injuries. The chemical ingredient known as triterpenoid acts to accelerate wound healing, increase antioxidant levels, and supply blood to the injured area.

2. Smooth blood flow

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Gotu kola can help reduce swelling and smooth blood flow in people who have it varicose veins and venous insufficiency, which is a condition that causes blood to pool in the legs. Other studies published in the journal Angiology also shows gotu kola is useful in helping to treat venous hypertension.

A systematic review journal found that Centella asiatica helps reduce symptoms of venous insufficiency. Symptoms such as pain, swelling, and complaints of foot that feels heavy are known to be reduced due to the use of these herbs. The benefits of this plant extract are thought to originate from the triterpenes in the leaves which have anti-inflammatory properties. This chemical content is also known to stimulate the formation of collagen and glycosaminoglycans which stimulate wound healing.

3. Disguise stretch marks

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Based on a studies conducted in 2013, it is known that this one herbal plant can disguise its appearance stretch marks on the skin. This is caused by terpenoid compounds contained in Centella asiatica helps increase the production of collagen in the body. Besides helping disguise stretch marks existing ones, these compounds also help prevent emergence stretch marks the new one.

4. Improve brain cognitive function

human brain

A small research conducted in 2016 compared the effects of gotu kola extract and folic acid to improve brain function after a stroke. From these studies, it was known that gotu kola and folic acid both are beneficial in improving brain function. However, experts found that gotu kola was more effective in improving a person's memory after a stroke than folic acid.

Separate study what was done in mice also found something similar. Although it can improve the brain function of young and old mice, the effect is more optimal in older mice.

5. Helps treat Alzheimer's disease

small brain

Centella asiatica has the ability to improve memory and nerve functions. The increase in both functions has the potential to assist treatmentAlzheimer's disease. In fact, one study in mice found that gotu kola leaf extract had a positive effect to treat behavioral abnormalities in mice affected by Alzheimer's disease.

Based on the research, it was found that gotu kola extract was able to protect brain cells from poisoning. In addition, this plant can protect cells in the brain from the formation of plaques that trigger Alzheimer's disease.

Even so, further research is still needed to ensure the benefits of gotu kola in treating Alzheimer's disease. Always consult a doctor before you take herbal medicine. It is important to remember that although natural, herbal medicines are not always safe.

6. Relieves anxiety and stress

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The content of the triterpenoid compound in gotu kola again provides many benefits for your body. One of them is to relieve anxiety and stress.

The gotu kola effect on brain function can also make it an effective antidepressant drug. A research support these findings. Research conducted on 33 people with generalized anxiety disorder found that gotu kola extract consumed for 60 days can reduce stress, anxiety, and even depression. The experts then suspected that gotu kola extract could be used as a substitute for antidepressant drugs.

Another study involving animals found that Centella asiatica had an anticemas effect on male mice that lacked sleep for 72 hours. Yes, lack of sleep can actually cause anxiety, oxidative stress, and even nerve inflammation. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings.

Potential side effects behind a myriad of gotu kola benefits

Though Centella asiatica has many benefits for the body, this herbal one also has the risk of side effects that you should not underestimate. Some side effects that may occur because of the use of these herbs are headache, stomach ache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, burning or burning skin, and allergic reactions.

Taking low doses and increasing the dose gradually can help you reduce the risk of side effects. If you use gotu kola ointment, apply it lightly on your elbows or back of your hand to see the effect before using it in a problematic place. These herbs should also not be consumed in the long term. Ideally, gotu kola is consumed for two to six weeks. Please consult a doctor to extend the period of use of gotu kola.

It is also important to consult a doctor before taking any medication that aims to treat health problems. Because the benefits of gotu kola to overcome health problems still require a lot of further research. Also keep in mind that supplements or herbal medicines that contain gotu kola are not necessarily safe. It's good to consult a doctor about safety, how to use, and the dose of use.

Gotu Kola, Herbal Plants with a myriad of Benefits
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