Pregnancy Development on Week 3


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Embryo growth

How is the development of the fetus 3 weeks of my pregnancy?

At the stage of fetal development 3 weeks of pregnancy, you generally do not feel the signs of pregnancy. Even so, in the development of this 3-week pregnancy, the fetus is growing and developing in the womb.

Fertilized eggs will experience cell division. About 30 hours after conception, the egg will be divided into two cells, then four cells, then eight cells, and continue to split until they move from the fallopian tubes to the uterus. When traveling to the womb, this group of cells looks like a small ball called an embryo.

Then the embryo will be hollow and filled with liquid called blastocyst. Near the end of the week, liquid blastocyst will attach itself to the lining of the uterus. This is called implantation or planting. This implant in the uterus creates the endometrium, as a place to provide nutrients and excrete the developing embryo. Then the implant will grow into the placenta, which will help care for your baby in the next 9 months.

Changes in the Body

What is the change in my body?

At this stage of fetal development 3 weeks, your body will experience several changes to support fertilization in the egg. At this time you might not know your pregnancy. At the end of this week you may notice a small patch called "implantation spotting. " This shows the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of your uterus. Not all women experience patches and some women experience patches at the same time as their menstrual schedule.

What do I need to pay attention to?

Morning sickness or pregnant nausea (sometimes accompanied by cravings) is one of the symptoms that often occurs during pregnancy, although not all women experience this. Research shows that nearly three quarters of all women crave and vomiting experience morning sickness. If you are one of those who do not crave or just occasionally feeling mild nausea, you are a very lucky person.

Three out of four pregnant women suffer morning sickness every day. However, rest assured even though you experience a decrease in appetite and weight loss in the first three months of pregnancy, this will not affect your baby as long as you can add back the weight that will disappear in the next few months.

Your weight will increase quite easily because nausea and vomiting will disappear in the middle of the 12th week until the 14th week of pregnancy. There are no studies that know the exact cause morning sickness.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to talk to the doctor on week 3?

You should consult with a doctor when knowing your pregnancy. The doctor will ask you to take a pregnancy test. You may not need to see a doctor again until the eighth week of pregnancy.

Tests that may be needed at gestational age 3 Sunday

The best way to ensure your pregnancy is to use home pregnancy test alias test pack. You can buy it at the nearest pharmacy. Test packcan be used from the first day you are late for menstruation. You can buy more than one to ensure the results.

The test measures certain hormones found in urine, which are called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). The hormone is released from the placenta. Depending on the type of pregnancy, a positive result will show a plus sign or two red lines.

Health and Safety

What do I need to know to maintain health and safety during pregnancy?

Here are some things you need to know about the age of fetal development 3 weeks of pregnancy:

1. Stress

Eating wrong or eating less nutritious food is not the only thing that can make your fetus troubled. This is not true. Depression in pregnant women can affect the baby. During depression, your body tends to produce some toxic chemicals such as immune hormones that are resistant to cortisol.

Women who experience stress in the first three months of pregnancy will have a high risk of miscarriage. Mothers who are stressed will have an effect on their children's mentality. Children will easily feel stressed in the future. In studies with pregnant mice that were stressed as objects, rat children had different behaviors compared to rat children with normal mothers.

2. Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco

At the age of 3 weeks of fetal development, you are prohibited from drinking alcohol, using drugs, and tobacco products. These substances can harm your fertility, increase the risk of miscarriage, and cause birth defects in the fetus. It also causes several common defects including fetal syndrome, alcohol poisoning, respiratory problems, low weight at birth, and other diseases. Consult a doctor immediately if you have questions, anxiety, or find health-related problems.

Then what kind of fetus will grow next week?

Pregnancy Development on Week 3
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