Is it true that Green Tea can burn fat?


Medical Video: 8 Proven Benefits of Green Tea

Are you planning to go on a diet in the near future? If so, you are currently busy preparing a diet pattern. Make sure that your diet is good for the body, eat balanced foods, nothing is reduced or exaggerated. If you don't know how to choose the right foods and drinks, your diet will be ineffective.

You yourself must be smart in choosing foods and drinks that are truly beneficial for your diet. Did you know that green tea is effective for burning fat in the body? This is not a myth but a fact. Research according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea greatly affects a person's body weight if consumed properly. We will find out how green tea works that are useful for your diet in this article.

What are the ingredients in green tea?

Long before famous green tea or green tea, now thousands of years ago the Chinese people had used green tea as a health drink. At that time tea was also believed to be a drug and a means of meditation, so that eventually this drink spread throughout the world and was increasingly popular in Indonesia. Many studies have shown that besides refreshing, green tea is a healthy drink.

Actually green tea comes from ordinary tea trees, but green tea through a process of fermentation and heating by steaming tea and then heated again to prevent free radicals or oxidation. In green tea there are 15 flowers, and the content in green tea that is most important for burning fat in your body is caffeine, catechins, and epigalocatecin errors. These three ingredients, according to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, contribute greatly to burning fat in your body.

How does green tea work to burn fat?

The content of caffeine, catechins and epigalocatecin errors greatly affects one's metabolism. The important process in burning fat in the body is how fat can be destroyed and moved into your bloodstream. The active compounds contained in green tea can help this combustion process.

The main antioxidants in green tea, namely epigalocatecin gallate, can help inhibit an enzyme that can break down the hormone norepinephrine. This hormone is used by the nervous system to send signals to fat to break down and move to the bloodstream. The more hormone norepinephrine in the body, the stronger the signal is sent. That way, the more fat can be burned in the body. If a lot of fat is burned and moves into the bloodstream, the fat burned will be released by the body in the form of energy.

Green tea is not a shortcut to thinness

The content of epigalocatecin error or EGCG in green tea is what increases the hormone to burn fat in your body. According to research, green tea is very effective at burning fat when you do sports.

But it should be remembered, green tea is not your shortcut to being thin, green tea is very helpful if you are running an effective diet. If you already know how green tea works, it's your turn to use it.


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Is it true that Green Tea can burn fat?
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