Is it true that Plum Fruit Eating Can Slimming the Body?


Medical Video: if you eat 4 Plums Every day for a month, amazing things will happen to your body

There are 1001 ways out there that promise you can lose weight fast. If you are a fairly active person selves on social media, you might notice that many online shops sell dried plums (prune) in packs or in bottled juice versions that are claimed to be effective for a slimming diet.

Plums or plums in general are healthy. However, is this acid purple fruit really effective for reducing excess weight?

Plum fruit is a super-nutrient-rich fruit

Plums are generally safe for consumption because they contain more than 15 vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, including:

  • 170 mcg of iron per 100 grams of plum, to help prevent anemia.
  • 9.5 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of plum, to help meet 10% of daily needs.
  • 1 gram of fiber to facilitate digestion.
  • 157 mg of potassium, to help maintain blood pressure stability.
  • 278.50 mcg boron, to help prevent the risk of osteoporosis.

In addition, one plum provides a small portion of B vitamins, phosphorus and magnesium. Plum is also enriched by a unique type of sugar called sorbitol which can stimulate the body's digestive system.

Various good nutrients contained in these plums work together to bring together so many health benefits. Starting from preventing constipation to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Plum also contains high antioxidants which can fight damage to body cells due to the effects of free radicals.

Is it true that eating plums can lose weight?

Plum is claimed to be a good fruit snack for the diet because of minimal calories. One fresh plum weighing 100 grams contains 30-45 calories.

Plums also include high-fiber foods that can help you feel full longer so you reduce unnecessary additional calorie intake. Dry plum even contains higher levels of fiber, which is 7 grams of fiber per 100 grams of fruit weight.

In addition, plums have a low glycemic index index. That is, even though the taste of sweet plum, this deep purple fruit will not increase your blood sugar levels immediately drastically. Preventing a sudden increase in sugar can keep your appetite from overeating.

The assumption of plums as a diet food also comes from the sorbitol sugar content. Sorbitol is laxative, aka laxative, which can help the body drain more excess water faster through a smoother BAB routine.

Don't prioritize plums as your diet solution

At first glance, plums seem to have quite promising potential as a weight-loss food.

However, that does not mean you can overeat the plum fruit as a snack while still eating a lot because they think the fruit is minimal calories. Most eating plums will increase your intake of sugar and carbohydrates that are not necessary, so it will not be effective in helping your diet.

Especially if you choose the juice version. Plum juice has higher levels of calories than other fruit juices. A glass of sugarless plum juice can contain around 180 kcal. Compare this with the same portion of orange juice, containing only about 45 calories.

In addition, calories in the form of liquid (fruit juice) will also feel less filling than if you eat fresh fruits. This is what often causes consumption of excessive fruit juice.

Most eat plums risking side effects

In addition to the unnecessary increase in calories, eating plums mostly because of being lulled by claims of diet advertisements will actually risk the appearance of troublesome side effects in your digestion.

The content of sorbitol and fiber in plums can trigger excessive gastric gas production which makes the stomach feel sick. The nature of laxative plums can also cause diarrhea or even trigger constipation if you don't balance it by drinking lots of water.

Keep eating healthy and diligently exercise

Not that you can't eat plums at all. Plum is still a healthy fruit and is well consumed to meet your daily nutritional needs.

However, don't make plums the only way you can diet without regard to other factors. A good diet actually consists of healthy eating habits balanced and balanced by consistent exercise routines.

Is it true that Plum Fruit Eating Can Slimming the Body?
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