Types of Surgical Surgery that Must Be Known Before Entering the Operating Room


Medical Video: Operating Room Before Surgery

Surgical surgery is the treatment method most often performed to treat a medical condition or disease. But of course not all diseases or disorders of body function can be cured by surgery. Each type of surgical procedure has a different purpose, procedure, and purpose. Here is what you need to know about the various types of surgical operations, as a provision for information in the event that one day the doctor advises you to undergo surgery.

Different types of surgical operations, also different intentions and ends

Basically the surgical procedure is divided into three large groups, in which it will still be divided again according to the category. Here are the details.

1. Group of operations based on purpose

The first group classified surgical procedures based on the purpose of this medical action. Basically surgery is considered a method of treatment, but this medical procedure can also be used to:

  • Diagnose. Surgery is used to diagnose certain diseases, such as biopsy surgery that is often performed to ascertain the suspicion of solid cancer or tumors in certain body parts.
  • Prevent. Not only treating, surgery is also done to prevent an even worse condition. For example, surgical removal of intestinal polyps that if left untreated will grow into cancer.
  • Eliminate. This operation is carried out with the aim of removing a number of tissues in the body. Usually, this type of surgery has an end -ectomy. For example, a mastectomy (breast removal) or a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus).
  • Restore. Surgery is also performed to be able to restore a body function to normal again. For example, in breast reconstruction performed by people who have done a mastectomy.
  • Palliative. This type of surgery is intended to reduce the pain felt by patients who usually experience end-stage chronic disease.

2. Operational groups based on the level of risk

Every surgical operation must have risks, but the level of risk is certainly different. The following is a grouping of operations based on the risk level:

  • Major surgery, is an operation performed on parts of the body such as the head, chest and abdomen. One example of this operation is organ transplant surgery, brain tumor surgery, or heart surgery. Patients who undergo this surgery usually need a long time to recover.
  • Minor surgery, as opposed to a major surgical procedure, this operation does not make the patient have to wait long to recover. Even in some types of surgery, patients are allowed to go home the same day. Examples of operations such as biopsy in breast tissue.

3. Operations group based on technique

Surgery itself can be done with a variety of different techniques, depending on which part of the body must be operated on and what disease the patient has. Then what are the operating techniques available?

  • Open surgery. This method is usually referred to as conventional surgery, which is a medical procedure that makes incisions on parts of the body using a special knife. An example is heart surgery, the doctor cuts the patient's chest and opens it so that the heart organ is clearly visible.
  • Laparoscopy. If previously the operation was performed by cutting the body part, in laparoscopy, the surgeon will only cut a little and let the instrument such as a hose into the hole that has been made, to find out the problems that occur in the body.

What type of surgical operation will you go through?

Types of Surgical Surgery that Must Be Known Before Entering the Operating Room
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