Know the Types of Fiber and Which is the Best for Diet


Medical Video: Optimize Your Fiber Intake

Maybe you often hear the goodness and benefits of high fiber foods. Yes, if you are currently on a program to manage your body, then high-fiber foods must be included in your food list. Even so, everyone basically needs fiber intake. But, do you know if there are various kinds of fibers? Here are the types of fiber that you should know.

Different types of fibers and their respective functions

Fiber is actually included in the group of carbohydrates. If you have ever had a type of complex carbohydrate, fiber is one of them. The function of fiber in the body is to simplify the work of your digestive organs, bind fat and cholesterol in the body, control blood sugar, and good for making your weight scale stable or even decrease.

All that you can if you eat fibrous foods. But before that, you also need to know if fiber is in several types. The type of fiber also influences how the fiber is digested in the body. And each fiber has its own function.

Water soluble fiber

As the name suggests, this type of fiber is indeed soluble in water. So that when food containing soluble fiber is digested, the fiber will absorb water and change shape to gel. Water soluble fiber has several specific benefits, such as maintaining heart health because it binds cholesterol, prevents blood sugar from rising, and keeps weight under control. Examples of foods that contain water soluble fiber are apples, nuts, carrots, and various types of oranges.

Fiber is not water soluble

The opposite of water soluble fiber, precisely in the body this type of fiber does not blend with water and directly passes through the digestive system. Therefore, most water-insoluble fibers can help the movement of dirt in the intestine. Various food sources containing insoluble fiber such as cauliflower, potatoes,

So which type of fiber is good and suitable for me?

In normal and healthy conditions, of course you need both fibers, because each fiber has its own function on your body. Therefore, you should consume various kinds and vegetables, so that the needs of both types of fiber are fulfilled.

However, if you experience certain digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation (difficult bowel movements), or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you must adjust the nature of the fiber with medical symptoms that are being experienced.

For example, for symptoms of diarrhea, you are better off eating foods that contain water-soluble fiber, because the nature of this type of fiber attracts water, which helps relieve diarrhea. Whereas if you experience difficulty defecating, you should eat food sources of water insoluble fiber. This type of insoluble fiber will make it easier for leftover food to move in the intestine.

Know the Types of Fiber and Which is the Best for Diet
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