Revealing the Benefits of Soybeans for Controlling Weight This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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If you are trying to lose weight or maintain an ideal body weight, soybeans can be one of the mainstay foods. Besides being delicious, this super food is easy to find because it is often used as a base for other foods, such as tempeh and tofu, soy milk, or also snack from soybeans. But, did you know that the benefits of soybeans can control weight? Come on, see the explanation below.

How soy can control weight

Soybeans are very popular, especially in Indonesia, and are often recommended as a diet for controlling weight. Good for reaching a certain body weight and maintaining a healthy body weight. Why?

Soybeans are rich in fiber and protein and contain good fats for health (unsaturated fats). When you're trying to rearrange your weight to be more ideal, soybeans that contain high protein and fiber are key to controlling calorie intake.

The ideal body weight indicates that calorie intake is under control. However, the condition of excess weight, requires you to limit or even reduce calorie intake. That is why soybeans are very beneficial in controlling body weight.

The protein content in soybeans varies, depending on the type of soybeans and how the soybeans are processed. However, basically soybeans do have high protein. According to Indonesian Food Composition Data, 100 g of soybeans contain 40.4 g of protein; whereas eggs which are also a source of protein, in 100 g contain protein 12.4 g.

Protein requires more calories to digest, than carbohydrates and fat. So that the higher the protein in food, the more calories you burn. In addition, protein in soybeans also makes you full longer.

Soybeans can fill the stomach and prevent hunger quickly

edamame soybeans

Besides protein, fiber in soybeans also has the same benefits, which prevents you from feeling hungry. Fiber in soy fills the stomach and will help control blood sugar levels so that it prevents interference with blood sugar which triggers hunger.

If you want to maintain your ideal body weight, overall soy nutrition can reduce calorie intake by delaying hunger. Eating soy foods between large meals can help reduce the portion of large meals without over-hunger.

Another advantage that you can get from soybeans is the amount of mineral content that is important for the body, such as calcium, potassium, iron, folate, and vitamin C. In addition, there are isoflavones which are antioxidants and most commonly found in soybeans. Isoflavones and proteins in soybeans can reduce bad cholesterol levels so that they can prevent coronary heart disease.

Don't rely on soy alone to maintain weight

In order to control weight, your total calorie intake must also be considered, namely reducing foods that have high calories such as fried foods or foods with high sugar levels. As a healthier alternative, you can choose soybeans and be processed in a better way but still delicious, for example by sauteed, roasted, boiled, etc. If you want another choice, you can also choose snack bar made from soybeans.

So, let's start consuming soybeans to control your weight !!

Revealing the Benefits of Soybeans for Controlling Weight This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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