These 10 Amazing Benefits Make You Want to Drink Oolong Tea More Often



There are many types of tea, each of which has its own health benefits. One type of tea popular with tea lovers when relaxing in the afternoon is oolong tea. Oolong tea is a tea made from plants Camellia sinensis. So, what are the benefits of oolong tea for health?

Benefits of oolong tea for health

Oolong tea has many nutrients and also bioactive components, such as fluoride, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Here are some of the benefits of traditional Chinese origin tea, which you will miss.

1. Sharpen the brain

Oolong tea can improve brain thinking and cognitive abilities. Because the oolong tea contains caffeine which works to stimulate the brain's central nervous system.

Caffeine consumption is also associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Several studies have shown that long-term consumption of caffeine has a protective effect on the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Other studies also reveal that caffeine consumption can slow down the process of brain function caused by aging.

2. Improve memory

A study conducted in 2004 showed that in addition to cognitive function, regular consumption of oolong tea can improve long-term memory. Oolong tea can inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down weakened brain neurotransmitters in Alzheimer's disease.

3. Maintain heart health

Some studies show that the benefits of oolong tea can help prevent heart attacks and coronary heart disease. The study by Peters (2001) shows that the risk of heart attack in study participants decreased by 11 percent after routine drinking three cups oolong tea every day.

Oolong tea is also reported to be beneficial in reducing LDL bad cholesterol.

4. Prevent cavities

This cup of traditional tea contains fluoride and antioxidants that can maintain dental health. In addition, oolong tea also contains antibacterial which can help prevent cavities and reduce the acidity of saliva, which can maintain the strength of the email (outer layer) of the teeth.

5. Maintain healthy skin

Diligently drinking this tea can relieve the symptoms of dermatitis, as reported by a Uehara study in 2001. The study found that oolong tea and green tea can relieve the reaction of allergic dermatitis after taking it for a week, one glass a day. Not only that, oolong tea can also reduce the risk of skin cancer.

6. Lose weight

Like green tea, oolong tea contains catechins, substances that function to reduce fat levels and increase metabolism. Oolong tea is safer to consume than weight loss pills.

7. Prevent cancer

Oolong tea has high antioxidants, which can help the body fight cancer-free free radicals. Polyphenols in this tea can also help reduce the rate of growth of cancer cells. Research shows that the benefits of oolong tea mainly play a role in preventing the risk of ovarian cancer, but not closing can also prevent other cancers.

8. Reducing the risk of rheumatism

The antioxidants in this tea can prevent rheumatism. According to Khan (2004), the risk of rheumatism in people who drink three glasses of tea a day is much lower than those who have never consumed this tea.

9. Maintain blood sugar levels

Oolong tea can help stabilize blood sugar in people who have diabetes. Therefore, you can make this tea an alternative therapy in addition to the diabetes medicines that your doctor prescribes.

10. Fight bacteria

Oolong tea has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, which can help the body fight bacteria. Oolong tea has a protective effect on Salmonella, E. coli, Pseudomonas, and others. This tea also contains probiotics which are good for overall body health.

These 10 Amazing Benefits Make You Want to Drink Oolong Tea More Often
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