The Best Type of Child Sports, According to Age and Development


Medical Video: PE Curriculum for Kindergarten Age Children with Sport Games and Activities

Sports is one of the fun activities for children with a myriad of benefits. Don't waste the golden opportunity to teach and introduce your child to the world of sports as early as possible. Not only health benefits, in fact, teaching children to exercise from the age of primary school will provide other skills that your child's friends may not have. Then, what child exercise is right for school age? Check out the reviews here.

Type of child exercise according to age

Ages 6-9

The attention span of children aged 6-9 years still tends to be short. Giving instructions that are too complicated will be more difficult to understand. Children need brief, clear, little by little instructions. Sports that require special strategies are still difficult to absorb by children so that it will make him confused. Also adjust the motor skills of children at this age. Sports that can be done include:

  • Run
  • Playing soccer
  • Gymnastics / gymnastics
  • Swimming
  • Martial sport

At this age, focus on the right techniques and movements. The right techniques and movements are very important as a basis before children sharpen other aspects such as speed and strength. With the right techniques and movements, strength and speed will follow.

Ages 10-12

When stepping on this age, motor skills, thinking skills, and the ability to make decisions are all better than 6-9 years. Children are also able to follow directions that are increasingly complicated and can remember them well. In fact, children have begun to be able to think about certain strategies while playing.

With this condition, children will be ready to do more complicated sports. Both in terms of instructions and movements. Sports for children in this age range include:

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Badminton
  • Baseball or softball

The sports mentioned are sports that are increasingly complex and require children to interact with friends or co-players.

Well, the type of child exercise with contact between these players requires maturity and maturity. Why? Doing this sport is vulnerable to physical contact. For example, a child might get hit, trip over a friend's leg, or maybe hurt his friend accidentally.

Without enough maturity, your child will have difficulty controlling his emotions.Whereas the more mature the age, the child is considered more able to position his ego well.

badminton benefits 1

Combine your child's exercise

Even though at the age of 10-12 years the child is recommended to do sports that are different from the previous one, this does not mean you have to stop all sports activities that have previously been done. You can customize it with a new type of exercise if you really want to continue teaching the type of exercise beforehand.

For example, from your childhood you teach swimming. Stepping on the age of 10-12 years, introduce again to other types of sports such as playing basketball, badminton, or martial arts.Too focused on just one sport will limit children's skills, lead to boredom, and even cause stress.

The more mature the child reaches the age of 12 years (middle school and high school) all sports can be the best choice for children. With a note, children can enjoy and develop their skills in the sport.

Benefits of child exercise

The health benefits of exercising since childhood include:

  • Reducing the risk of obesity or being overweight.
  • Improve children's fitness. When exercising, the child's heart and lungs will work more actively so that the functions of the two organs will be more effective.
  • Triggers the growth of bones and muscles of children.
  • Improves body coordination and balance.
  • Prevent children from metabolic diseases caused by lack of physical activity.
  • Form the ideal posture of the child.
  • Provides active living habits so that when adults children are more likely to be interested in active sports.

In addition to health benefits, social and psychological benefits if the child is actively exercising as early as possible are:

  • Making children more honed listening and following instructions.
  • Helping children learn to lead, work together, and become part of a team.
  • Making children understand means winning and losing are common.
  • Improve children's academic abilities. Exercise requires memorization, repetition, and learning so that the child's brain will be more active.
  • Improve children's social abilities. Joining a sports team will give children the opportunity to meet and establish relationships with new people.
  • Improve children's discipline. Training schedule, each instruction given will shape the child's discipline.
The Best Type of Child Sports, According to Age and Development
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