5 Effective Ways to Soothe Crying and Fussy Babies


Medical Video: 5s Method for Soothing a Baby

All babies must cry, even some babies cry very often. Crying is actually a baby language that we don't understand. When they cry, there must be something to say. Often babies cry and fuss because they feel hungry, tired, cold or hot, bored, their diapers wet, or feel sick. So, don't think badly because your baby cries a lot, this is the way to tell you that they need something.

Trying to silence and calm a crying baby is a way for parents and babies to get to know each other. At least every baby cries approximately 1-4 hours a day. The more you are calm and not carried away because of your baby's crying, the baby will be easier to calm down. A mother who sees her baby crying will definitely try to calm her down. But sometimes what mothers do actually makes babies cry even tighter. Then how to silence and calm crying and fussy babies?

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How to calm a crying and fussy baby?

1. Swinging motion

Babies love movements when they are carried. You can start by taking a sling cloth and then make a swinging motion to calm your baby. The faster the baby's cry, then you have to be even tighter and swing it.

2. Voice ‘sshh’

It turns out that calming babies by the way mothers produce 'sshh' sounds is not just hereditary habits. This 'sshh' voice can make a baby more calm and comfortable because the sound is similar to the sound when they are in the womb. Make sure the 'sshh' sound you produce is faster than the baby's cry, so the baby hears it.

3. Soft touch

Never underestimate the 'strength' of your touch in making the baby more comfortable. Of course the main step in calming a crying baby is by touching it. Even so, it's not uncommon for babies to need more than just touch to make it comfortable, like a sling, pat your back, or gently massage it.

4. Get to know and adjust the surrounding environment for the baby

Soothing a crying baby is one way to get closer to the baby. That way, you will try to find out what kind of environment makes it more comfortable and calm, like some babies like dark lights and others don't. Or maybe your baby prefers the atmosphere of a quiet room, but there are also babies who prefer the atmosphere outside the home or crowd. Adjust your environment so the baby is more calm and comfortable.

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5. Other tricks

There are several other ways that can make the baby more calm, such as:

  • Bathe the baby with warm water
  • Give it ASI
  • Carrying a baby while singing or making a sound ‘sshhh’

If the baby cries continuously even though he has tried to be calm and you see some strange signs or symptoms, then don't hesitate to contact the pediatrician. But not all baby cries are a sign they are experiencing pain, so don't be afraid and think negatively due to your baby's crying.

What if the baby cries while being breastfed?

It's not uncommon for babies to cry and look nervous when you are giving them milk or breast milk. If you give breast milk to the baby, maybe he feels uncomfortable with your breastfeeding position, so the milk does not come out perfectly and he feels hungry. Improve your breastfeeding position. Sometimes babies cry because symptoms of reflux or food go back up to the throat shortly after being given food. If this happens, immediately have your baby checked by a doctor.

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5 Effective Ways to Soothe Crying and Fussy Babies
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