6 Mistakes to Sleep a Child Often Parents Do


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Putting your child to sleep completely is one of the biggest challenges at the beginning of your parenthood. Fortunately, we can help you avoid mistakes that often put a child to sleep, and help you rest peacefully at night.

Mistake 1: Sleep the child too late

After working all day, you sometimes let your baby or child stay a little longer so you can spend time with him. Or maybe you think he will be exhausted, then fall asleep.

Whatever the reason, putting a child to bed too late is not a good idea. If babies and young children are tired, it will be more difficult for them to sleep soundly. They tend to get up early if they sleep too late, rather than if they sleep early.

You better have and follow regular sleep hours every day. Don't wait until your child yawns and rubs his eyes before putting him to sleep. Even if we increase sleep time for 15-20 minutes, the difference for your child will be very significant.

Error 2: Over-reliance on movement assistance

Have you ever breathed a sigh of relief when your baby fell asleep in a car seat or in their baby's swing? Although this gives you the opportunity to rest, don't get caught up and depend on it to make your baby fall asleep, because it will be difficult if you have to take your child for a walk every night. The little one won't be able to sleep well as he should.

It's okay if you take him for a walk if only to calm them down when your child is fussy. But don't make this a routine activity before going to bed.

Error 3: Too much stimulation

You might put a toy hanging on your baby's bed to calm it down. However, toys that spin, emit sounds and light can disturb them. If your little one is watching the toy coolly, it will even be awake and will not understand when they have to sleep.

It would be better if you put the baby to sleep in a dark room. Don't worry your little one will be scared. Babies are too young to understand fear. A fan or soothing type of music can also help them get to sleep quickly, because it can reduce other sounds from outside the child's room.

If your child is older, a dim light can eliminate his fear. Don't let him watch TV before going to bed. Falling asleep while watching his favorite DVD has an effect on the sleep of your little one who will be less restful. This will affect the atmosphere of the child the next day, he will be easily angry, and certainly no one wants it to happen.

Mistake 4: Not obeying the bedtime routine

If you have a baby, you may feel that a bedtime routine that consists of taking a shower, reading a story book, and singing lullabies is not necessary. If your child is already a little bigger, you are that if he is too big to have a sleep routine. Or you might feel too bored to continue.

But having one calming and pleasant bedtime routine is important, because it can prepare your child to sleep. Adults also benefit from having several bedtime routines that can calm themselves down. You cannot expect your child to go straight to sleep if the day he lives before going to bed is a busy day. He will not get a good night's sleep.

You can make a routine that you like for your child. But make sure that the routine can help your child sleep more easily. And do the same thing every day.

Error 5: Inconsistent

Several times a week, if your child is spoiled and wants to stick with you, it will be easier if you put your little one to sleep in your room and wait for him to fall asleep and bring him to their room. Or maybe you put a child who hasn't been in school in his bed but let him go up to your bed to sleep with you at night. Without realizing it, your bed and husband turned into a family bed.

Your child will not understand why sometimes you bring him to his own bed, but sometimes you also let him sleep in your bed. It's possible that your child will get angry if you don't let him sleep in your bed one night.

If you find yourself in this situation, slowly take your child from your bed. Accompany your little one on the side of his bed until he falls asleep. Then, slowly after a few nights, wait at the door until he falls asleep, before you leave him alone. Explain to him when it is time to sleep, he must sleep in his own bed. Be assertive but gentle and you will be able to change things.

Error 6: Using a big bed too early

If you move your child from a cot to a larger bed too early, your child may wake up in the early morning. Before the age of 3 years, your child does not have self-understanding or control to stay on the bed without restrictions. Unlike their baby cots that have a barrier around it.

The best way is to use a larger trial bed. If after a week doesn't work, then it's okay if you go back to baby cot for him. Try moving him to a bigger bed after a few months. But remember that there are no school-age children who still sleep in cots, and your child will also be like that. So, you don't need to worry about this, because over time he will get used to sleeping in his own little bed.

6 Mistakes to Sleep a Child Often Parents Do
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