6 Things You Must Prepare Before Pumping Breast Milk in the Office


Medical Video: How I Pump 1200 ml of Breastmilk A Day | HAUSOFCOLOR

Six months is the time to exclusively breastfeed your baby. Not a short time indeed, but the benefits can last for a long time until the baby is big, even adult. For this reason, many mothers still try to give their milk under any circumstances even if they work.

One of the things that facilitates breastfeeding when the mother works is by pumping milk and storing it for later use. Nursing mothers who work and undergo exclusive breastfeeding are required to always provide their milk whenever the baby needs it. Not infrequently nursing mothers must pump breast milk in the office.

However, before you pump breastmilk in the office, you should prepare the things below so that the activity of pumping breast milk in your office runs smoothly and lots of ASI comes out.

1. Learn how to pump breast milk

The first thing you have to do before pumping breast milk in the office is to learn how to pump breast milk properly. That way, you know what you have to do and prepare.

Also learn how to store breastmilk properly, prepare cold or frozen breast milk, and so on. You can learn all these things through books, look for them on the internet, or ask experts. Find your way to pump breast milk.

You should try how to pump breast milk the first time at home before you return to work. Because, the first time you pump breast milk may stress you so that the milk does not come out smoothly.

2. Prepare items that you must carry

All you have to prepare when pumping breast milk is not only the milk pump, but more than that. You also have to prepare additional bottles to store breast milk, breast milk bags, cleaning equipment, coolers (check how the condition of the refrigerator in the office or you have to bring your own breast milk storage such as cool box), and cover cloth so that you are more comfortable when pumping breast milk in the office. Make sure all these items are hygienic and clean.

3. Know the good time to pump breast milk

This is important so that you do not interfere with your work or relatives in the office. Knowing when the right time to pump breast milk in the office can also make your milk come out smoothly because the right time makes you more comfortable when pumping breast milk. See the condition of your office before pumping breast milk. Maybe you can do it at quiet hours, such as breaks where many office people go out to find food.

4. Choose a good place to pump breast milk

Apart from time, the place is also your consideration in pumping breast milk. Choose a comfortable place for you to pump breast milk, in a calm condition, of course. So, you can pump ASI smoothly. Also choose a hygienic place so that the milk is not contaminated with germs, the bathroom might not be a good choice. Very good if there is a special room for breastfeeding in your office.

5. Know how to stimulate reflexes let-down when pumping breast milk

Already know reflexes let-down? This is a way to get your milk out easily and smoothly. Reflex let-down this might be easier to do if the baby feeds directly on your breast because baby suction can stimulate milk production.

However, what if pumping breast milk in the office? You may need objects related to your baby to stimulate milk production. Your baby's photo or your baby's clothes for example, which helps you to remember your baby and feel your baby's presence. That way, you feel comfortable, calm, and your milk production is smooth.

6. Don't forget to eat and drink enough before pumping breast milk

Another thing you need to do before pumping breast milk in the office is eating and drinking. Yes, eating nutritious food is very important to meet the needs of breastmilk production and drinking enough is needed to hydrate your body. You may need to prepare a bottle of water for you to drink when pumping breast milk.

6 Things You Must Prepare Before Pumping Breast Milk in the Office
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