7 Tips for Weaning Children Over 2 Years Old


Medical Video: Breast to Bottle: Tips to Help The Transition

In accordance with recommendations from the World Health Organization and the Indonesian Ministry of Health, breastfeeding should be carried out when children aged 0 to 6 months. Giving breast milk is not accompanied by the provision of food or other drinks. Then when the baby is more than 6 months old, the mother is encouraged to give ASI accompanied by complementary food for breast milk (MP-ASI) until the child is 2 years old. However, weaning children can be difficult for both mother and baby, so many children are still breastfeeding even though they are over 2 years old.

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Until what age should the child drink breast milk?

Breast milk is the most perfect food for children under the age of two years, because it has complete and easy to digest nutrients. In addition, breast milk is also equipped with various antibodies that are not owned by children, because at that time the child cannot form its own antibodies. Therefore, breast milk is proven to protect children under two years from various infectious diseases. According to WHO data, exclusive breastfeeding has prevented 800 million children from infectious diseases from year to year.

The ideal breastfeeding is indeed until the child is 2 years old, with only the first 6 months breastmilk and continued for up to 2 years but accompanied by the provision of soft food or complementary food for breast milk. Then, after the child is 2 years old, the child is considered ready to eat family food because the various systems in his body are growing.

In addition, the greater the child the nutritional needs to support growth and development are increasing. By consuming a variety of solid foods that are also eaten by the family, making them get various nutrients directly from the source. But what if it is 2 years old but the child still cannot escape breast milk? How to stop it?

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How to wean toddlers so they don't suckle ASI again

1. Communication is the key

Although the age of the child is still relatively small, giving an understanding of a change is important. This is your 'PR' to convey directly to the child to change their feeding habits. Give him the understanding that breastfeeding is no longer good because he is getting bigger and bigger. You can give an example to him that a large child does not need to suckle from his mother.

2. Changing children's eating habits everyday

If you share a bed with your child, then get used to getting up before he wakes up. Then, immediately prepare food for him so that when he wakes up the food is ready to eat. When he wakes up, maybe what he feels is hungry, so give him nutritious and filling solid food for him, to prevent him from starving. Also, make sure that the solid food you give to children is a nutrient-rich food and is liked by children. It does take time to get children to eat solid food, so do it slowly. Let it eat a small but frequent portion.

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3. Wear different clothes

It's better not to wear clothes that you often wear when you are breastfeeding your child, because that will remind your child of past habits. Also avoid opening the clothes in front of the child with open breast conditions, this will also make the child feel like going back to breastfeeding his mother.

4. Carry your child in a different way

To prevent children from whining or crying because they want to breastfeed, it is better to hold the child in a different way. Whether it's holding a child on his back or you can also hold a position to hug each other. Avoid holding positions that you normally do when you give them breast milk.

5. Use various things that can make your child forget

There are many things you can do to make it forget to breastfeed. You can give it a variety of foods with new flavors that might attract them to try again and again. Give milk from the bottle then gradually get used to giving it through a glass. This will help eliminate the habit of frowning which can damage her milk teeth. Not only that, you can also give snack baby for the little one so he doesn't feel hungry.

6. Let him play with his friends

Giving your little one time to play will make your child forget to suckle from the mother. Spending time playing with friends or giving them his favorite toys can be a way out for those of you who have children who are difficult to stop breastfeeding.

7. Look for other ways to get him to sleep

Maybe you often put your child to sleep on his lap while giving him milk. From now on, stop the method and look for other ways to put your child to sleep. You can put him to sleep on a baby basket, rocking chair or anywhere that makes your child comfortable and easy to fall asleep.

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7 Tips for Weaning Children Over 2 Years Old
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