Can Pregnant Women Pass the Metal Detection Tool?


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Pregnancy is a gift that should be looked after carefully. That is why pregnant women usually become very careful and aware of various things that risk disrupting pregnancy or endangering babies. One of the things that might pose a risk of interference with the baby in the womb is a metal detector that you often find at security checkpoints. Usually you have to pass these security checkpoints in shopping malls, office buildings, or airport gates.

You may have heard that this metal detector can harm the fetus or the baby in the womb. However, is this just a myth or fact? To find out the full answer, please read the explanation below.

Types of metal detectors

There are various types of metal detectors that are usually available at security check points. The first is the metal detection gate (body scan) which is shaped like an iron door. This tool serves to scan your body. The aim is to make sure you don't hide prohibited items such as weapons or smuggle stolen goods from the store. This detection gate will emit electric waves. These waves will capture the magnetic field when you store metal or iron tools. Meanwhile the detection gate at the store's doors will catch the radio waves emitted by the label on the items from the store.

Besides being a gate, a metal detector is also available as a stick. This metal detector will usually be swung towards your bag or body to check if you carry prohibited items. The way it works is like a metal detection gate, but this stick is more accurate.

Can pregnant women be checked with metal detectors?

Unlike many people's concerns, pregnant women may be examined through a metal detector. Whether with a detection gate or a stick, pregnancy or a fetus in the womb you will not be affected by the waves emitted by the metal detector.

What many people fear about metal detectors is that fetuses or babies in the womb of pregnant women are at risk of being exposed to the emission of radiation produced by a metal gate or detecting stick. In fact, the body scanner and metal detectors only emit very low radiation from radio waves and magnetic fields. This type of non-hazardous radiation is also known as non-ionizing radiation. The radiation produced is not even able to penetrate the skin, especially until the fetus or baby in the womb is pregnant. These tools can only capture the outline or silhouette of your body.

Radiation, security and pregnancy experts around the world such as the National Institute for Standards and Technology in the United States and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the United Kingdom agree that pregnant women need not fear being examined with metal detectors. The unit to calculate the radiation dose is mikrosievert. According to experts, babies in the new womb will be affected by radiation in a single exposure of 500,000 mikrosieverts. Meanwhile, if you pass a check with a metal detector, the exposure is less than one mikrosievert.

Also keep in mind that radiation exposure in very small amounts is a very natural thing found in the daily lives of pregnant women, even though you may not realize it. These exposures can come from computers, laptops, smartphone, and refrigerator. The researchers even found that the magnetic field radiation produced by the refrigerator was actually 10 times greater than the metal detection gate. So, you really don't need to worry about metal detectors at the security checkpoint. However, because there are definitely safer alternatives if you have to go through a security check point, experts recommend that pregnant women should be examined manually by female security officers.

What about other baby equipment?

Fetus or baby still in the womb of pregnant women is safe from exposure to magnetic field radiation or radio waves produced by metal detectors. However, what about other baby equipment such as baby bottles, baby clothes, or breast milk (ASI)? For items that go through a scanner, radiation will not penetrate or leave any residual substances, particles, or harmful material inside the item. Even if the item has been repeatedly scanned with a metal detector, there will be no impact that affects it. Therefore, you can now breathe a sigh of relief because the news about the dangers of this metal detector is just a myth.


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Can Pregnant Women Pass the Metal Detection Tool?
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