Characteristics and Symptoms of Depression in Children You Must Know


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Depression does generally occur in adults who experience pressure or excessive burden of thought. But who would have thought that even depression in children could occur?

In its development, children tend to have moods that are easily changed or termed moody-an In one time they might look sad and upset, then not long after they will be fine.

If your child seems to be constantly sad or desperate to influence his activities, chances are he is experiencing a childhood depression. Childhood depression is a serious mental health condition in children that must be addressed immediately by using medical care.

What is the difference between stress and depression in children?

Stress and depression are common conditions that often occur and can occur at any age. But many people think that stress and depression are the same thing. In fact, these two things are different.

Stress is usually caused by a lot of pressure from outside and inside a person. Stress can arise in certain situations, for example when a child is deprived of sleep, due to parenting, pressure from association and so on. As with adults, stress in children can make them more eager to face challenges, but on the other hand, stress can actually discourage them. If your child experiences stress that has been missed from normal limits, they will be prone to depression.

While depression is a mental illness characterized by abnormalities mood that affects feelings, ways of thinking, and behaving so that your child has various emotional and physical problems. Depressed people will spend their energy because they feel prolonged sadness and feel unable to see pleasure as before. That is why, their energy will run out against itself. In some cases, depression arises without stress.

What are the symptoms of depression in children?

Symptoms of depression in children can vary so that everyone does not always have the same symptoms. It depends on the child and the disorder mood-his. Often, depression in children is undiagnosed and untreated because they are unaware of the symptoms caused. The following are some common symptoms of depression in children, such as:

  • Being irritable even tends to go berserk.
  • Often feel sad and empty because they think that his life is meaningless.
  • Appetite increases because it tries to calm down or lack appetite because all foods don't taste good.
  • Experiencing sleep disorders such as lack of sleep or too much sleep that occurs every day.
  • Difficulty concentrating, causing a dramatic decrease in achievement at school.
  • Loss of interest and interest in activities she usually likes.
  • There are physical complaints such as abdominal pain or headaches.
  • Difficulty interacting with other people so that they withdraw from the social environment.
  • Interested in unusual deaths such as wanting to commit suicide.
  • Throw away his favorite items, and often say if other people are better without them.
  • Experiencing very uneasy anxiety often does repetitive behavior and likes to pace excessively.
  • Looks weak and lacks enthusiasm because a lot of energy loses from crying.
  • Make critical and cynical comments on themselves because they experience excessive pessimism, despair and uselessness.

It is important to know, the symptoms of depression in children are actually different. Some children who experience depression can still blend in with their social environment. But most children who are depressed will experience changes in social activity that are very striking.

How do you deal with depression in children?

If your child has symptoms of depression that have lasted at least two weeks, you should schedule a visit to the doctor immediately. This is done to ensure the mental health of the child.

There are no specific tests - medical or psychological - that can clearly show depression in children. But tools such as questionnaires (both for children and parents) and careful and careful interviews with a psychiatrist can help make an accurate diagnosis.

Basically, if your child is really depressed, the treatment will be similar to depression in adults. They will do psychotherapy (counseling) and treatment. The best studies to date show that a combination of psychotherapy and treatment is the most effective method for treating depression in children.

Characteristics and Symptoms of Depression in Children You Must Know
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