Don't Force Children to Learn to Get Good Value, It's a Bad Impact


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Parents must be proud if their children get good and perfect school grades. Unfortunately, not all children have the same learning abilities. There are children who easily get good grades in school and vice versa.

You don't need to be disappointed and force the child to learn constantly so that the value increases. Pressing children to learn to get good grades has a negative impact. What are the bad effects and how best to support children's learning achievement.

Negative effects of parents who like to force children to learn

The way to care for and educate children is an important factor for child development. A study conducted by Arizone State University in November 2016, examined parental attitudes towards academic performance of 506 6th grade students.

The results show that children who are pressured to study harder have a negative impact on children's welfare and future children's success.

Source: South China Morning Post

The negative effects that children may experience when parents put too much pressure on them to have brilliant achievements include:

1. The risk of mental illness is higher

Children who get great pressure constantly are more anxious and anxious. Learning under pressure makes children experience learning difficulties, stress, and depression. In fact, the big responsibility held by the child to always be number one, can raise the child's mind to commit suicide.

2. Damaging children's confidence

Encouraging children to continue to achieve can disrupt the development of their confidence. Children feel insecure because the results of their efforts are always unsatisfactory.

3. Damaging the quality of sleep

Children who have to get good grades tend to study late into the night and cause the child's sleep quality to deteriorate. If the quality of sleep is poor, it will be difficult to focus on school. Instead of good grades, your little one will be more difficult to take lessons.

4. Having problematic behavior

The pressure to get good grades will make the child do the wrong thing, such as cheating or doing other cheating in learning. The child is afraid if he does not get good grades, so he will do various ways.

Positive role of parents in supporting children's achievements

how to educate children under five

Motivating children to do things well is a homework for all parents. But remember, this should not make the child become depressed, anxious and anxious. Follow the following steps to help increase children's enthusiasm for learning, such as:

Don't just stick to the results

Children's achievements are important for their future. For this reason, children need your guidance so they can achieve good results. However, you need to remember that the most important thing is how the child's effort to achieve it is not the end result.

Appreciating the child's business, making him more confident in his own abilities and certainly will motivate children to learn better without feeling depressed.

Help children to find solutions

Criticizing a child's mistakes or shortcomings will make the child feel bad. The more scolded, the more children will not listen to you. So, it's more difficult to overcome, right?

Instead you continue to nag at length, you should ask the child what difficulties he faces. Then, give input to the child how to deal with and overcome the difficulties.

Give appreciation for their achievements in learning

Everyone likes gifts, especially children. To show pride in your child's learning efforts, you can give them gifts.

For example, having dinner outside together, adding to his allowance, buying him a toy or something he wants, or taking him on vacation. Remember, don't overdo it because it can make children expect something more.

Don't Force Children to Learn to Get Good Value, It's a Bad Impact
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