Hollow and Black Child's Teeth? 4 of these foods can be the cause


Medical Video: How To Heal Tooth Decay And Reverse Cavities Using This Easy Remedy

Maintaining the health of the child's teeth and mouth is very important. In addition to inviting children to brush their teeth regularly, you also need to pay attention to the type of food you provide. Because the problem of black teeth and cavities in children often occurs due to parental mistakes when feeding children.

Come on, try to look again, is it true that you often provide this type of food and drink to the child so that the small teeth become hollow?

Various foods that cause cavities in children

Do you want your child's teeth to be as white as cotton, strong like steel, and avoid cavities? Relax, the way is easy, really.

From now on, pay attention to the types of food and drinks that you give to your little one. Foods that cause cavities are not just sweets and chocolate.

There are several types of foods and drinks that unwittingly look healthy and tasty, but it turns out that they are the masterminds of cavities in children.

1. Candy fruit flavor

Although it provides fruity flavor, candy still contains sugar that can stick to the child's teeth. Instead of making the body healthy, the sugar content can actually cause plaque and erode the child's enamel slowly.

This also applies to other sticky and chewy foods such as raisins, oatmeal, peanut butter, caramel, honey, and syrup. All these foods can make saliva so difficult to rinse the remnants of sugar stuck to the teeth.

Even though you have invited your child to brush their teeth after eating candy, the remnants of the candy can still slip between the teeth and invite bacterial growth. Therefore, you should limit giving candy to children so that their teeth remain healthy and not hollow.

2. Soft drinks

teenagers drink soda

From now on, don't fill your fridge with soft drinks and colorful fruit juices. Not only adults, even children are now starting to like to drink soda. I don't know because I like the sweet taste or because I follow friends at school.

Soda drinks are one of the worst drinks for dental health. A leader of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, drg. Jade Miller, DDS revealed to Parents that soda contains acids that can weaken the tooth structure.

In fact, the pH content of soda ranges from 2 to 3, which means it is almost equivalent to acid in batteries rather than water. The lower the pH in the drink, the faster the content erodes the tooth layer and causes cavities.

Therefore, always keep an eye on the types of food and drinks that children consume every day. Teach children about the importance of drinking water which is not only beneficial for the health of the body, but also keeps his teeth healthy and clean.

3. Biscuits

child biscuits
Source: Today’s Parent

Almost all parents give biscuits to their children. Usually, this one food is often given as a snack for children during the main meal.

Unwittingly, biscuits turned out to be one of the causes of cavities in children, you know. Some types of biscuits contain sugar and are rich in carbohydrates. Both combinations of these materials actually become a favorite food for bacteria in the mouth to grow and multiply.

Bacteria use sugar from food to produce acids that can erode tooth enamel. In fact, the acid produced can last for almost half an hour after being eaten by your little one. This will eventually damage the child's teeth, especially if the little one continuessnacking biscuits every day.

4. Rice and pasta

toddler dinner

Rice, pasta and bread can actually be the cause of cavities in your child. In fact, rice is one of the staple foods that are almost never overlooked in your food menu and family.

The simple carbohydrate content of rice and pasta can be quickly converted into sugar. As a result, more sugar intake in the body and can erode the tooth layer slowly.

Especially if you add jam to a cup of bread for your little one, then you have added twice the sugar intake into the child's body. However, this does not mean you may not give rice, pasta or bread at all.

Types of food that are good for children's dental health

After this, you may be confused about what snacks are good for your child's health. Calm down, there are some foods that can help keep your baby's teeth healthy, really.

If you are looking for a healthy snack that is filling and safe for your child's teeth, try giving fresh apples. Aside from being healthy, apples are rich in fiber which functions as a natural tooth cleanser.

In addition to apples, you can also give your child a piece of cheese as an afternoon snack. Cheese will not cause cavities, but instead helps neutralize the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. In fact, the calcium content can strengthen a child's teeth in their infancy.

Whatever type of food a child consumes, make sure you invite him to brush his teeth after eating. No less important, you should check your child's teeth regularly starting at the age of one year. No need to wait for your child to grow up, this just prevents you from causing cavities to occur on your beloved baby.

Hollow and Black Child's Teeth? 4 of these foods can be the cause
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