Revealing 4 Surprising Facts About Sweetened Condensed Milk


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Sweetened condensed milk (SKM) is currently being discussed. The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) issued a ban on the appearance of children on labels and packaging. Some advertisements have even been withdrawn from circulation because they are not in accordance with these rules. Still curious about the news of sweetened condensed milk? The following are the facts about this sweet-flavored condensed milk.

1. Sweetened milk is different from cow's milk

Sweetened condensed milk is made through the process of evaporation or evaporation and generally has a low protein content. Besides being evaporated, this milk is also given additional sugar. This causes a low protein content while the sugar and calories are high.

Unlike the content of cow's milk which has a high enough protein content and contains many other vitamins that the body needs. Cow's milk is also equipped with various other nutrients such as fat, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin A.

In fact, one SKM sachet has a calorie of 180 kcal with details of 67% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 3% protein. While 1 cup of fresh cow's milk has 146 kcal calories with details of 49% fat, 30% carbohydrate, and 21% protein.

It can be seen the comparison that sweetened condensed milk has a lower protein content than cow's milk.

2. Not to be drunk every day

Based on recommendations from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), this thick and sweet textured milknot recommended for daily consumption.

High sugar content can increase the risk of diabetes mellitus. The milk should only be consumed as a complement to food or drinks, not every day.

3. Not recommended for babies and children

According to the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), sweetened condensed milk should not be given to infants and children. Additional sugar levels in food for children recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is less than 10 percent of total calorie needs.

Meanwhile, milk that has a strong sweetness has additional sugar levels that are high and exceed this limit. In one serving (4 tablespoons) one of the sweetened condensed milk sold on the market, the calories reach 130 kcal with an additional sugar content of 19 grams and 1 gram of protein.

4. Can it be consumed, as long as you don't overdo it

You must be wondering, so is sweetened condensed milk safe for consumption? Of course it can be consumed, as long as it's not excessive. Do not make milk that has a thick sweet taste as a substitute for breast milk in children or milk that is routinely consumed every day.

Always remember, SKM serves as a complementary food only and is not good milk to be consumed regularly every day. If you drink ice or eat cakes, sweetened condensed milk can still be used.

However, don't drink sweetened condensed milk to brew or dissolve in water every day!

Revealing 4 Surprising Facts About Sweetened Condensed Milk
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