How Big is the Recovery Opportunity for Child Cancer?


Medical Video: Reaching Success: Ringing the End of Treatment Bell at Texas Children’s Cancer Center

Cancer is still known as a deadly disease that does not look at age. Yes, anyone can get cancer, even a baby. Every year there are 300 thousand new cases of child cancer in the world. Then can child cancer be cured? What are the chances for child cancer to be completely cured? Can children with cancer grow back like children in general?

If found in the early stages, it is not impossible for a child's cancer to heal

The fact that cancer is deadly is true, but this will happen if the case is very severe and treatment cannot cure it. Today, there have been many cases of cancer in children who have recovered completely, because cancer is handled and treated appropriately and quickly. Treatment of child cancer is the same as cancer in adults, which consists of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, depending on each type of cancer.

How big is the chance of a child's cancer recovering actually depends on the stage and type of cancer that your child is experiencing. If the cancer is found in the initial stages, the cure rate is also high. So, you must know and always pay attention to the situation of the child, if he experiences a particular symptom, you should immediately see a doctor.

At present, the number of cure for child cancer is increasing from year to year. In a survey conducted in America, it was stated that only about 12 percent of childhood cancer cases could not be helped. In this study, it was also mentioned that the chances of a child's cancer life for 5 years in each type of cancer, on average, exceeded 65-83 percent.

Early childhood cancer symptoms that you should know

Indeed there are various types of cancer that occur in children, the most common of which are:

  • Blood cancer
  • Eye cancer
  • Cancer of the brain and nerves
  • Kidney cancer or Wilms tumor
  • Cancer of the lymph nodes or lymphoma
  • Muscle cancer or rabdomiosarkoma
  • Bone cancer

To find out the type of cancer that a child has, he must do a special medical examination. However, before you can really recognize and start suspecting malignancy when finding early symptoms of cancer in children, such as:

  • Suddenly there is swelling
  • Bruises appear on parts of the body without any impact
  • Often fatigued and feeling tired, but not doing heavy activities
  • Feeling pain or pain in one part of the body
  • Having a sudden fever and not recovering
  • Frequent headaches
  • The ability of vision to be reduced
  • Drastic weight loss

Even though all of these symptoms do not necessarily lead to cancer, but if you see these changes and symptoms in your child, then you should immediately consult a pediatrician.

the type of cancer that attacks children

Discipline also affects the chances of recovery

Cancer treatment takes a long time. Therefore, patients and their families must be patient and patient when undergoing treatment. The period of treatment for childhood cancer, usually consists of the main treatment period (chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery) and the recovery period. During the recovery period, patients will be asked to continue to routinely control the doctor, from intervals of once a week to once a month.

Well, sometimes in some cases of cancer in children, many underestimate this recovery period. Because it was considered not important and thought he had finished treatment, the patient and his family did not return control to the doctor. In fact, regular control of the doctor after treatment is very important.

At that time, the doctor will not only see if there are side effects of the drug, but also monitor the progress of the cancer, is it really gone. If the symptoms arise again, it can be dealt with quickly.

If the patient and family ignore this and do not realize that there are still cancer cells remaining, then the second cancer may grow. When that happens, the condition will get worse, cancer may become more malignant and immune to treatment.

So, it's best to follow all doctor's recommendations in a disciplined manner and don't skip all existing medication schedules. Because the child can be declared fully recovered if he has undergone five years of treatment (main and recovery) and there are no signs of recurrence.

How Big is the Recovery Opportunity for Child Cancer?
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