Low Blood Pressure When Breastfeeding, Is It Dangerous?


Medical Video: What Are the Dangers of Low Blood Pressure? |Health & Fitness

Every mother would want to fulfill all of her baby's needs, so that the mother will maximize the milk production for the baby's sake. However, the condition of each mother is different. For those of you who have low blood pressure, maybe a little worried about the production of milk produced. Actually, does having low blood pressure while breastfeeding make breast milk production not optimal? What should a mother do when she has low blood pressure while breastfeeding?

What are the signs if the mother experiences low blood pressure while breastfeeding?

Low blood pressure (hypotension) can vary by person. Indeed, normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mmHg. However, this number is just an average. Not that a little less than the standard has been referred to as hypotension. Some experts claim that hypotension is characterized by blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg.

Symptoms of low blood pressure that may be felt in the mother, namely:

  • Headache and feeling kliyengan
  • Unclear or blurred vision
  • Feeling nauseous
  • It's hard to focus

This drop in blood pressure can be caused by many things. However, in mothers who are breastfeeding, this condition may be caused by several factors, namely:

  • It's been too long bed rest, then get up and stand suddenly.
  • Lack of body fluids or dehydration. Usually this condition will also affect milk production.
  • Having certain infections.
  • Have a heart function disorder.
  • Experiencing a lack of certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and folic acid.
  • Has a hormone disorder. Sometimes when breastfeeding, the body's hormones are unstable and this can trigger a drop in blood pressure.

breastfeeding during pregnancy

So can you keep breastfeeding when your blood pressure is low?

Actually, until now there have been no studies that state breastfeeding when low blood is safe or not. To find out, it's better to consult your doctor. Because, the condition of each woman is different.

Even so, basically this condition can recover quickly and does not require a special treatment. If indeed you have a history of low blood pressure from the past, and when breastfeeding experiences the symptoms mentioned earlier, then hurry to rest first. Usually, your condition will recover within one to two hours.

How to deal with low blood pressure is usually only by changing your lifestyle, such as:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Meet your fluid needs every day.
  • Don't get up and stand up from the sleeping position.
  • Eat healthy food. Eat a little but often.
  • Expand foods containing vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B12 and folic acid.
  • Add salt to your food, but first consult with your doctor.
  • Avoid doing outdoor activities when the weather is very hot.
  • Sleep with your head higher than your body.

You may need certain medications due to this condition, but make sure that you tell your doctor that you are breastfeeding at that time. Because, some types of drugs can interfere with your milk production.

By doing these various tips, you can also prevent low blood pressure later on. If indeed you experience other symptoms, especially disturbing milk production, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Low Blood Pressure When Breastfeeding, Is It Dangerous?
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