Want a Pregnant Wife? Husband Must Do These 5 Things


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Are you planning to have a baby? As a husband, you should understand some things that can be done to make this business easier. Not only wives must try hard to get pregnant, you as a husband also have a big role in this process.

What can a husband do if he wants his wife to get pregnant?

Many views say that women's reproductive health is responsible when couples want to have children. Although this is true, but men's health is also just as important when wanting a wife to get pregnant.

Therefore, not only women must take care of their health, but also their husbands. Here is what you can do, to help your wife have children more easily.

1. Maintain weight

Try to maintain your weight. The fatter the man's body, the lower the amount of sperm produced. This condition will certainly reduce the chances of a wife's pregnancy A study found that men with average or ideal body weight that is not too thin or fat have more and healthier sperm.

Poor quality sperm can occur in men who are obese. The cause can be due to unbalanced hormonal changes. In addition, they also often experience erectile difficulties.While for thin men tend to have fewer sperm. Therefore, men's weight must be in accordance with BMI (Body Mass Index) or at least reach the ideal body weight.

BMI is ideal for men between 18.5 and 24.9. For men, to maintain the quality and quantity of sperm is very important to maintain a balanced body weight.By getting an ideal weight and a healthy lifestyle, men only need 74 days to get better sperm quality.

2. Stop smoking

Smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, but also a danger to your fertility. So, if you are a smoker, you have to stop when planning to become a father, why?In cigarettes there is a womb reactive oxygen species or ROS which produces free radicals in the body. These free radicals can damage sperm genetic material.

3. Consult a doctor

If all this time only women or wives are only 'noisy' or going back and forth to the hospital. You can take the initiative to take your wife to consult a doctor with your wife to do fertility testing. This is useful to find out if your wife's egg and sperm are healthy.

4. Avoid alcohol

If you are a fan of alcohol, it's a good idea to avoid this drink if you want your wife to get pregnant, why?The effects of alcohol on the reproductive system may tend to be ignored considering alcohol is more popularly known as a destroyer of liver function.

Alcohol, when consumed in large quantities, destroys healthy cells that produce sperm, and causes low levels of sexual drive or libido. In health terms, this disease is called gynecomastia. Scientifically, sperm quality is determined by morphology. Sperm with good morphology means having the right density (population), size, and shape.

Alcohol, when consumed in excess, makes sperm morphology worse, which means it reduces density, and abnormal size and shape. What's more, alcohol damages the function of the testes, making sperm not mature enough.

5. Make sure the wife is stress free

Make sure that you and your wife are free from stress. Why? Because stress can affect the fertility of most married couples. Women who in their lives are very busy until stressed, can make ovulation or the time of fertility decreases and even suddenly stops.

Though fertile period is the main key to getting a pregnancy. When people ask, "How do you get pregnant quickly?" Then the best answer is to connect with the wife's fertile period.

One of the references in detecting ovulation in a wife can be seen from the production of cervical mucus (cervical mucus) which comes out through the vagina, the amount will increase shortly before ovulation. However, if your wife is stressed due to being too busy, then the production of cervical mucus will be reduced or may become dry.

Most stress affects the level of fertility which is constant stress. So, when you want your wife to get pregnant, you need to find ways to reduce stress levels so that your wife's ovulation returns to normal.

Want a Pregnant Wife? Husband Must Do These 5 Things
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