Naughty Sister, Is It Really Because Of Infected Delinquency?


Medical Video: 7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child

Maybe you often hear or even yourself often say to others, "No wonder his sister is like that, just like that brother." Indirectly, you assume that the behavior of siblings in one family is similar because good-naughty behavior can be "contagious" from brother to sister. In fact, the nature and behavior of a person is not contagious like a bacterial or viral infection. So, why are the characteristics of siblings so similar?

Children's behavior is different from one another

In fact, each child develops unique and different behaviors even though their siblings are raised and raised in the same family. Because the characteristics of a person are influenced and shaped by the surrounding environment since they were young, in different ways. Even though you may as a parent believe that you treat each child fairly and evenly, the child may accept it as something different.

This has also been proven by research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. The study concluded that the environment has an important role in shaping children's behavior. The unequal environment that children receive makes a difference in behavior between children in one family.

Environmental differences that are accepted among children in the family can even affect children's mental development and cognitive abilities, in addition to children's personality or behavior. Birth order factors and gender only affect children's behavior in very small portions, around 1-5%. No wonder, even twins must have different behaviors.

Another study conducted recently by Tel Aviv University also stated that the behavior of children who are naughty or annoying does not make their brothers or sisters automatically want to imitate the same thing.

In childhood, children are actually more likely to learn about which behaviors that can be done and should not be done. It is not intended to interfere, commit violence, or become an obedient child. So, children only need to be guided and given more understanding.

The environment of friends, relatives, and parenting: which are the most influential in shaping the characteristics of the child?

Friends, relatives, and parents alike have a strong influence on the development of a child's behavior. Although not living together and only meeting a few hours, the influence of friends on children's behavior is quite large. No wonder your child wants the same items as his friends.

Siblings also have a major influence on children's behavior. Moreover, interactions between children and siblings must be longer than their friends. However, the biggest influence is still parents. Parents provide the most inherent lessons for children.

You need to know, the first year of a child's life greatly affects the bond between children and their parents. In fact, this can affect a child's confidence, the level of trust the child has in his parents, and the child's ability to interact with others.

Well, for that you should optimize your care for children in the first year of life. Even though you might think that a child at a very young age doesn't understand anything yet, it turns out that your closeness with a child at this time greatly affects your bond with your child for a very long time.

Naughty Sister, Is It Really Because Of Infected Delinquency?
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