Rules for Giving Gifts to Children for Negative Impacts


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All children must like to be given gifts by their parents, just ice cream, food they like, toys, things they want, and so on. However, is it always good to give a gift to the child?

Giving to children is of course a good goal, so that children are eager to learn, children obey parents' orders, children change for the better, and others. But, constantly giving gifts to children may have an impact on a child's life. Good or not, approximately?

What are the benefits of giving a gift to a child?

Gift or reward can help parents in motivate his child to do something they haven't achieved. Also, you can helps in changing children's behavior in a more positive direction or forming good habits. Starting from small things, such as cleaning the bed in the morning, washing dishes after eating, always brush your teeth before going to bed, up to the child's achievements in school.

Giving gifts to children does not always have to be in large numbers. The child's favorite food, playing together in the park, or going to a place that the child wants can be a gift from you to the child. In fact, a hug, a kiss, high fives, and a compliment to the child is also a form of gift to the child. Cheap, right? So, gifts are not just things you have always imagined.

This prize must be given as soon as possible after the child has achieved his goal. Why? Because usually toddlers or preschoolers don't remember the gift if given too long after the behavior. As a result, gifts do not work well in motivating children.

You need to know, gifts are not just objects for children, but more than that. This is a a form of appreciation from parents to their children. For this reason, when giving a gift to a child, you need to tell the child what he did and why he received this gift. That way, the child knows that he has done something good and that you like. Prizes can also be tighten relationships You are with children.

The negative impact of giving gifts to children

Sometimes, using gifts to develop positive attitudes in children does not always work. Children can actually be dependence on gifts. Children can only make the habit they want to instill only once to get a prize and then not do it again.

Prizes can also limit children's positive behavior that they should be able to develop on their own. Because of the gift, the child only knows positive behavior or good behavior is the goal of getting a gift and other behavior is not good. This can prevent children from developing a sense of wanting to "do the right thing".

For that, you must be careful when giving gifts this, especially gifts in the form of objects or traveling. Not gifts that are of a loving nature, such as kisses and hugs, or compliments. Gifts in this form can be given at any time.

Tips for using gifts to motivate children

Giving gifts to children does have many benefits. However, giving this gift sometimes does not go according to your plan. In order for the prize to function properly for children, you can follow a few tips below:

  • It is best to give a gift to the child if he has succeeded in doing the goal of the prize many times. For example, you have been able to get up early for 10 consecutive days and then give your gift. This is so that after being given a gift, the child continues to do so until it becomes a habit.
  • Do not give gifts too often in the form of material to children. This can make him dependent on gifts when he wants to achieve something. Know when to use gifts in the form of material to motivate children.
  • Praise and attention must always be used together with or without material gifts. Both of these can make your relationship and your child better.
  • Choose gifts in the form of material that children like and vary at every opportunity so that the attraction of children to the gift is still large, so that the child will continue to strive to achieve it.
Rules for Giving Gifts to Children for Negative Impacts
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