Schedule Guidelines for Eating the Most Ideal 6-Month Baby


Medical Video: The Complete Guide to Starting Solids

Breast milk is the only best food for babies until he is six months old. Entering the age of six months, then the discarded heart may eat complementary food. Well, starting from here, of course you need to set up your child's eating schedule correctly. Because the baby's 6-month meal schedule will affect the formation of his diet later. Because it can't be careless, it's better to plan your child's mealtime in the following ways.

Make a 6-month baby meal schedule

Nutritional needs must be fulfilled by babies to support their growth and development. Infants aged zero until entering the age of six months only get food from breast milk. Breast milk is the best food for babies because it contains all nutrients that are easily digested and according to their needs.

When the baby is 6 months old, the digestive system is ready to process food other than breast milk. Therefore, babies are allowed to consume complementary foods other than breast milk (MPASI).

The schedule for eating a 6-month-old baby needs to be made so that the baby can adapt to changes in the type of food. So, he will not be surprised and does not interfere with his digestive system. Making a schedule also familiarizes parents to provide food with the right time.

The schedule for eating 6 months of babies has been arranged by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. So, parents just need to apply it according to the guidelines, as follows:

  • 06.00: ASI
  • Hit it 08.00: Breakfast with pulverized food.
  • At 10:00: ASI or alternating food, such as soft-textured fruit
  • Hit it 12.00: Lunch with soft food.
  • At 2:00 p.m.: ASI
  • 16.00: Snack
  • At 6:00 p.m.: Dinner with pulverized food.
  • At 20.00-24.00: ASI, which can be given per hour. The amount depends on the needs of the baby

The milk provided should be adjusted to the needs of each baby. Of infants aged 6-12 months, half the baby's daily intake needs still come from breast milk.

babies are ready for solid food

Food choices and dietary rules for babies aged 6 months

The process of introducing food for babies needs to be done gradually. Ranging from the most refined to the type of solid foods such as rice or biscuits. At the beginning of feeding, do it gradually. You can start giving it 2-3 tablespoons every big meal. Over time increase the intake of the baby to half a cup.

For babies aged 6 months, variations of food other than breast milk must be ensured to have a soft and pulverized texture. Meanwhile, the choice of fruits that can be consumed by babies aged 6 months is:

  • Banana or papaya. Choose fruit that is ripe, washed first, discarded the skin or peeled, then gently scraped with a spoon.
  • Tomato. Choose ripe tomatoes, wash them and soak them in boiling water. Then, remove the part of the skin, strain, and dilute it with enough boiled water and add a little sugar.
  • Orange. Choose a ripe orange, wash the fruit, then cut it into two parts. The fruit is squeezed and filtered, if necessary add a little sugar.

At mealtime, make sure the baby is sitting upright in the dining chair. Pay attention to every spoon of food given, not too much because it will be messy and wasted. You should give a little but enough to be swallowed by the baby.

When you face the spoon to the baby's mouth, see how the baby responds. If the baby does not open his mouth, it means that the baby is not ready to taste food, maybe you need a tactic to open the baby's mouth.

Don't force the spoon into the baby's mouth. Babies who experience symptoms of difficulty eating, are easier to choke or vomit, you should consult a doctor.

Schedule Guidelines for Eating the Most Ideal 6-Month Baby
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