Still Small, How come, Do You Have Black Eye Bags? How to get rid of it?


Medical Video: Get Rid of Bags and Dark Eye Circles FAST | 4 Easy At Home Remedies

Aging, stress, fatigue, lack of sleep are the main causes of the appearance of pandas in adults. But in fact, small children can also have black bags under the eyes. Can a child's panda be removed?

Why do small children have black eye bags?

Causes of panda in children may be slightly different from adults. Most do not need to be aware of, but maybe some can be a sign of a health problem that needs to be checked by a doctor.

Black circles under a child's eyes can appear as a result of:

  • Genetic factors (offspring)
  • Allergic reactions
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Iron deficiency (anemia)
  • Dehydration
  • The skin's natural color pigments are uneven
  • Skin diseases such as eczema and contact dermatitis
  • Neuroblastoma (a type of cancer that occurs in nerve cells that have not fully developed)

How to get rid of pandas on children

How to remove eye bags in children must be based on the cause. If caused by an allergy, immediately keep the child away from the triggers of his allergies and give the allergy medication a drink to relieve the symptoms. If the panda in children is due to iron deficiency, high iron foods are the solution.

Well, if the cause is a nasal congestion due to a cold, this condition can make the blood vessels around the nose and eyes swell, making the skin color under the child's eyes look darker. Try asking the child to rinse with warm salt water or breathe hot steam to relieve breathing. Or, give a decongestant cold medicine that can be bought at the pharmacy without having to redeem the recipe.

Another story if your child turns out to have eczema on the face. The itching can make the child continue to rub his eyes so that dark circles form. Apply a corticosteroid cream / ointment from the doctor's prescription to relieve itching due to the eczema. Avoid soap or shampoo with chemicals that can further irritate the skin.

If your child often plays outside, the skin will darken due to exposure to sunlight. This skin discoloration can also occur in the eye area. To overcome this there is actually no special way. The dark color under the child's eyes will disappear by itself over time. But temporarily reduce the time to play outside the home to avoid exposure to sunlight directly on the child's face. Apply sunblock and put on a hat when the child is going outside the house.

Keep an eye on your child for the next few days. Consult your pediatrician if your child's eye bags don't go away. However, you really can't do much if the panda eyes on a child are formed due to genetic influences aka descendants.

When to see a doctor immediately?

If your child's eye bags are getting bigger and the color is getting darker, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Also, take it to the doctor if your child suddenly snores at night, breathes more frequently with his mouth than his nose, stuffy nose, there are unusual signs of irritation on his face.

Still Small, How come, Do You Have Black Eye Bags? How to get rid of it?
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