Teenagers Who Are Rarely Sports Just More at Risk of Broken Bones


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Did you know that even though you are still a teenager, lazing around and not doing physical activities make you vulnerable to fractures? Yes, physical activity, like sports, is something that must be done by everyone. However, in children and adolescents, physical activity carried out as a child determines the health of his bones to adulthood. Then how can exercise reduce the risk of fractures in children and adolescents? How often do we have to exercise so that the bones are healthier?

Children who rarely move physically are more prone to fractures

This statement came from a study from the University of British Columbia. In this study, experts recorded 556 girls and 515 boys who had an age range from 8-12 years. Then, the study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, examined the bone density and strength of each child and their physical activity was also recorded and noted.

Then at the end of the study it was found that children who were always active and doing sports proved to have strong and dense bone structures so that they were at low risk of fractures. Whereas groups of children who have sedentary life patterns or lack of physical activity are prone to fractures due to their fragile bone structure.

Why is exercise very important since the age of children?

Basically, sports are important and must be carried out by various ages and is no exception. But in this case, exercise does affect the strength and health of the child's bones until he is an adult. Every child must pass the golden age of growth. This period occurs before puberty comes.

In a literature it is said that during puberty, boys or girls experience 50-60% increase in mass in the spine and 30% in the long bones in the body. But the large or small increase in bone mass depends on the condition and physical activity of each child. The more active a child is, the more bone mass will increase, making their bones strong and dense.

Exercise makes the body 'stress' and stimulates the bones to become denser

Actually, exercise is a physical 'stress' stimulus for your body. The stress and pressure that your body finds due to exercise have an impact on good things. The body responds to stress obtained from exercise by stimulating the formation of new bone cells and attracting more calcium to be used in bone development. In addition, exercise also makes the muscles of the body become stronger and indirectly this process also affects bone mass.

What sports can make a child's bones become strong?

You don't need to tell your child to do heavy exercise the gym. Of course they don't need to need it. The thing you should do is motivate and invite him to play outside the home. You can invite him jogging every day or just by jumping rope, you have made your child's bones become stronger and denser. In addition, getting children to be active is also very good for their health in general and hopes that it will become a habit until he grows up.

Teenagers Who Are Rarely Sports Just More at Risk of Broken Bones
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