Tips for Parenting and Raising the First Child for Parents Aged 40 and Up


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Being a parent requires a lot of consideration, both from physical, mental, and financial readiness. That's why many new couples decide to have children at the age of 40 or even more.

Although there really is no difference between being a parent at the age of 20, 30, or 40, raising a child at the age of no longer needs some special tricks. In addition to the physical and your partner, also to deal with the distance between your age and your little one who is very far adrift.

Parenting tips for new parents who have children aged 40 years and over

1. Don't forget about your health and your partner

After giving birth, every woman's body needs time to get back to normal. But maybe for mothers who are old enough, recovery can take longer. This is caused by the increasing number of immune cells in the body available for healing. In addition, the ability of the immune system to be slower to respond to attacks or damaged cells, and this will increase the risk of various diseases.

It is important to prioritize your recovery at this time, because a weak body can make it difficult for you to take care of your little one in the future. Eating a variety of foods helps you meet the needs of the body's nutrients, such as calcium and protein.

It's best to eat smaller portions more often. You can get carbohydrates from rice, corn, potatoes, and bread; good sources of fat from fish, avocados, green vegetables and vegetable oils; source of protein from meat, chicken, fish, tofu, tempeh; and sources of vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits. You can also do light exercise, for example, relaxing in the morning around the house.

Ask for help from your husband or close family to take care of housework during this time. Don't forget, consult a gynecologist to get advice on what foods or activities you can do.

2. Help the baby suckle

There are various things that you might face as new parents who have children at the age of 40. One of them is the habit of breastfeeding a baby. This is actually still closely related to how fit your body is after giving birth.

Usually newborns can suckle 1-2 hours in the first few days. When the baby is hungry, he will give some signs such as strong crying, sucking his hands, or tasting like looking for nipples.

This frequency of suckling often enough will probably make you tired quickly. Well, there are many ways to get around this. For example by checking the breastfeeding position that is most comfortable for you. Sitting position with a pillow behind your back can relax your body. If you are tired, you can change position by sleeping sideways.

What needs to be considered, breastfeeding is an activity that drains quite a lot of energy. So, always prepare snacks such as biscuits or fruit to keep your stamina stable.

3. Combination of breast milk with formula milk

If your milk production is lacking or the baby is having problems while breastfeeding (for example the baby's mouth cannot attach to the breast), you can try one method of breastfeeding supplementation. Breastfeeding supplementation can also be done to breastfeed premature babies.

Alternatively, you can combine breastfeeding with formula milk specifically for newborns after discussing it with a doctor. Through this consultation you can determine when the right time and what milk is suitable for the baby.

4. Manage your stress

Being a parent is tiring, especially at your four-headed age. So that your relationship with your husband, work, and of course your baby is still going well. You can get rid of your fatigue by vacationing with your beloved family. In addition to clarifying your mind, avoiding stress is also one way to keep your body healthy.

5. Strengthen your inner bond with your child

Distance of age that is far from the child is one of the concerns that you may have, both now and in the future, when deciding to have children at the age of 40. If this haunts your mind, you should talk about what you feel with the doctor and the people around you, such as your husband, siblings, or friends. This can reduce the burden on your mind.

However, don't let your worries about the future prevent you from spending time with your favorite child. A mother's inner bond with the child begins to form when the baby is born, and can continue to strengthen over time. Likewise with the inner bond of the father and child.

You can start with simple things. Like hugging, holding, kissing, accompanying him to sleep, reading stories, to play together. Try to always be there when your child needs it. Pay attention to what your child is doing and you will understand what is needed by him.

Show your affection not only with words but also actions. As he grows up, continue to support what he wants to do. On the other hand, giving space for children to act according to their age but still under supervision. Your support, motivation and love will greatly help your child to develop independence and responsibility. Don't forget too, try to understand the trends or issues that are developing for your age, so that you and your child can be more "connected" when chatting or discussing ideas.

Tips for Parenting and Raising the First Child for Parents Aged 40 and Up
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