Tips to Overcome Prospective Fathers Nearing the Presence of Babies


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Not only are women anxious about being a mother, it turns out men also experience anxiety when they become a father. For example, prospective fathers are usually worried about financial matters, so that their wives and children can get fulfilled needs later. Prospective fathers are also anxious about the health of their babies later, and many more. When thinking about it all of a sudden, suddenly, you feel you are not ready to be a father.

It's better to calm down first! There are men who show their anxiety, some try to hide it and handle it quietly. When anxiety worsens, men will experience nausea, weight gain, and back pain. This symptom is a condition called couvades syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy.

There are several factors that cause pregnancy anxiety in men. A 2007 study entitled "Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research and Practice about Men as Fathers" Livestrong quoted as saying that male childhood experiences influence whether he feels confident or is not even ready when the baby is born. If a man has close closeness with his father, then he will be more confident.

How do you deal with anxiety in prospective fathers?

In addition to the general anxiety mentioned above, here are some questions that haunt prospective fathers:

Can I take care of my baby?

If you feel hesitant and are unsure if you can take care of your baby, you can follow childbirth class. When attending this class, you and your partner can learn to hold a baby, wear a diaper, bathe a baby, put the baby to sleep, how to get involved in labor, how to care for a baby when first taken home.

You can also discuss with other prospective fathers who have similar anxiety in the class. In addition, you can also ask the nurse who is the educator in the class, if you have unanswered confusion.

Can I be a good father?

Being a good father cannot be done in a day. Being a good father takes time as you get older. Just like, when you decide to get married, it doesn't immediately become a good partner. Day after day, you learn so that you and your partner together build a good role for family harmony. Or the same as when you were a child. As a child, we cannot immediately become good children like parents' expectations. There are phases that go through until finally you realize the obligations of a child.

You have plenty of time to learn to be a good father. Imagine that someday, you will teach your child to drive a car, discuss friendships and relationships, to discuss your career and your child's future. It will be a pleasant experience.

Sometimes worries come from the mind and do not necessarily happen. You can handle it over time. Try to discuss with your friends who have become fathers, or prospective fathers you meet at childbirth class. If you still feel unsure about the role that your father is presenting, you can discuss with a household counselor or discuss with your siblings you can help you.

Can I fulfill their needs?

Financial problems are indeed quite important, not infrequently couples who delay having children because they assume they are not ready mentally and financially. All necessities are not cheap, such as clothes, milk, playing equipment, education and much more. It feels as if you, when rethinking this problem, will be unprepared.

Everyone definitely needs food, board, clothing and other needs. This cannot be avoided. Try to discuss with your partner about a planned expenditure that can be calculated. Talk to your coworkers, whether the office where you work will pay for labor; there are several offices that do bear the costs of labor.

You can also discuss with financial experts, to help you plan management of expenses and income. You should also not be ashamed to ask a friend or relative who you think is indeed quite expert in managing the family's finances. You can learn from it.

Also try asking the closest family whose baby has grown up, whether you and your family can share baby clothes. Given that babies grow up quickly, so the clothes that are worn will not last long. If the couple and family agree, this can help you save money.

Is this the end of my freedom?

If you are worried that your freedom will be taken, that is only a temporary concern. Indeed, having a baby will make you sleep less, but that is only temporary. You can still have time to chat with your wife when your baby is asleep. You also can still gather with your friends, especially if your friend has a family, you can invite your wife and child to play with your friends too.

You should not worry about losing your freedom, because when your child is born, being involved in every detail of his development is something that cannot be replaced by anything. You and your partner must also communicate with each other about the methods you want to teach your child. Differences of opinion in the future can be minimized by the discussion about parenting.

Will there be changes in your life and your spouse's life?

When pregnant, women experience physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. It's not wrong if his mood changes easily. All you have to do is be patient and understand it. as explained above, if there is a problem in your relationship, it should be communicated well. There are some couples who assume having children is the solution to the problems in their relationship. Of course this cannot be swallowed up. Problems that are not resolved will remain in your heart and your partner, blocking it there, even though your child is born.

You should also not have to worry about your sex life and your partner. You can still have sex even though your wife is pregnant (not at risk of miscarriage) or after three months of giving birth. If your emotional bond and partner are strong, that passion will not disappear.

How can I be involved in labor?

Imagining it is uncomfortable, seeing your wife lying down, trying to give birth and fighting pain. When following childbirth class, You will get education in assisting your wife to give birth, what you have to do to make your wife comfortable. However, if you are afraid of seeing blood, you should talk to your partner and nurse educator, they will help you in building your readiness.


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Tips to Overcome Prospective Fathers Nearing the Presence of Babies
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