Can Pregnant Women Bask in the Sun?


Medical Video: 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know | Do & Don't

When pregnant, many mothers choose to do so babymoon aka the last vacation with your husband before the baby's birth. If the holiday destination is the beach, it's natural for the mother to sunbathe while pregnant, browning the skin in the sun. However, is this safe?

Sunbathing during pregnancy increases the risk of melanoma

Reporting from the dailymail, pregnant women are 5 times more at risk of developing skin cancer with a higher risk of death. Sunduring pregnancy also makes women at high risk of melanoma, with symptoms such as the appearance of a number of large moles, black spots on the skin especially the face, as well as changes in moisture and smoothness of the skin

The researchers found that women diagnosed with melanoma during pregnancy or within one year after giving birth had a risk five times more likely to die of skin cancer than women with non-pregnant melanoma.

In addition, melanoma that appears during pregnancy has the potential to be 7 times more likely to experience metastasis, which is the spread of cancer to other parts of the body, compared to women who have melanoma but are not pregnant.

Another effect of sunbathing during pregnancy

1. Exposed to heatstroke

When a mother sunbathers while pregnant, and does not use sunscreen properly, the body temperature of a prospective mother cannot fully control the sun's light on the body. This makes you more susceptible to diseases associated with the inability to control body temperature during pregnancy, will make you more susceptible to heat-related diseases such as heatstroke which can endanger the fetus.

2. Sun burns

The sun that hits your body through a part that is not covered by a bikini will cause burns due to sunburn and can develop into blisters called bullae. You may need intravenous fluids to keep your body moist and you will lose the ability to sweat, resulting in high body temperatures that can threaten you and your future baby.

How to safely sunbathe while pregnant?

Of course the risk of skin cancer does not mean that the mother is not allowed to sunbathe at all, especially in the sun. The key is to always use sunscreen in the form of sunblock or sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, before you sunbathe. Don't forget to apply your sunblock every 3-4 hours, or after you swim, get water or sweat. Even if you are not on vacation, make it a habit to use body lotions and moisturizers that contain SPF to keep your skin protected.

Can Pregnant Women Bask in the Sun?
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