Can You Use High Heels When Pregnant?


Medical Video: 6 Risks Of Wearing Heels During Pregnancy.

Shoes high heels it cannot be separated from women. This may be hard to experience if you are used to wearing heels for everyday activities. Then, can women use high heels during pregnancy?

In this article, we will discuss the risks of wearing high heels during pregnancy.There are many reasons why you should give your feet a rest during pregnancy, because relaxed foot conditions will have a good effect on the body and pregnancy, and vice versa.

What risks might occur if you use high heels during pregnancy?

There are several risks faced by women if they wear high heels during pregnancy, including:

1. Cramps on the legs of the legs

When you wear shoes high heels in a long time, your calf muscles are in a position to support the body with the leg nerves tightened. This causes cramps in the leg and leg muscles, and will get worse if used during pregnancy.

2. Back pain

High heels are worn with the aim of changing your posture. Your pelvic muscles will lean forward and give an upright body position. Well, unfortunately, when you are pregnant, your weight will increase almost double the previous body weight

By wearing heels, you will place greater pressure on the pelvis and spine, because you have to balance your body weight and pregnancy weight for your body. This causes pain around the lower back and ligament joints and pelvic area.

3. Swelling of the legs

A medical condition known as edema or swelling in the ankle is very common during pregnancy. Use it high heels during pregnancy will cause swelling in the legs, especially if the pregnancy is in its final trimester. Body fluids will be more filled in the lower part of your body, and then there will be swelling during pregnancy.

4. Lack of balance

Use it high heels during pregnancy will affect the strength of your ankle which tends to decrease due to excess weight and hormonal changes in the body. This is the reason why pregnant women have a low balance. When you wear high heels, you will potentially lose balance and fall, which will cause injury to you and your fetus.

The conclusion

During pregnancy, you react more slowly to anticipate situations that occur before falling. The greater the risk occurs if you wear high heels during pregnancy, especially around sidewalks, stairs, and unpaved roads.

When pregnant, your feet will also change. On average, between gestation ages 13 to 35 weeks, your feet will swell due to fluid, fat, and weight. At the same time, the relaxin hormone will cause the soft tissue in the foot to become stiff, so that it cannot cause a relaxed condition and this is one source of foot pain in pregnant women.

Can You Use High Heels When Pregnant?
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