Guide to Control Blood Pressure During Pregnancy


Medical Video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Reduce High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Hypertension is one of the health problems that are often experienced by pregnant women. In fact, this condition is experienced by around 10 percent of pregnant women. Initially you may indeed have hypertension before becoming pregnant, but you can also experience new hypertension for the first time when you are pregnant.

Blood pressure disorders during pregnancy are divided into chronic hypertension, preeclampsia-eclampsia, chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia, and gestational hypertension. These disorders can cause low birth weight (LBW) or premature birth.

Preeclampsia can be a complication of chronic hypertension and gestational hypertension. The signs include high blood pressure and high levels of protein in urine (urine). This can cause the hands and feet to swell.

Usually this condition only appears at the end of pregnancy, but it can also occur during pregnancy. If not diagnosed, preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia. Eclampsia is a serious condition that causes seizures to maternal and fetal death.

The only action that can be taken when there is preeclampsia is labor, regardless of the condition of the fetus. So, it is very important for pregnant women to prevent rising blood pressure and its complications. How do you control the blood pressure of pregnant women? The following six points are the references.

1. Routine check-up

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You must diligently check with the obstetrician on schedule as long as you conceive the baby. Moment check-up, make sure the doctor always monitors the maternal blood pressure and protein levels in your urine.

If you already have hypertension before you become pregnant, you must be more careful.

One sign of preeclampsia is abnormal levels of protein in urine. However, preeclampsia can occur without showing physical symptoms. This condition can also occur between the schedule of your visit to the doctor.

Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to regularly monitor their blood pressure at home. It is also voiced by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a bond in obstetrics and gynecology specialists in the United States in 2013.

2. The discipline of taking medicine

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If you take blood pressure-lowering medication, tell your doctor if you are running a pregnancy program or when you are pregnant. Your doctor may need to prescribe another medication.

Because, certain drugs may not be safe for consumption during pregnancy. There are drugs that can inhibit blood flow from the mother to the placenta and fetus in the womb, or affect the development of the fetus.

At 4-5 months of gestation, maternal blood pressure usually drops. This means that you may stop taking medication temporarily (but must be with the doctor's permission). If you have to continue taking blood pressure medication during pregnancy, even during labor you still need to drink.

In essence, you must be disciplined and extra careful when taking blood pressure medication during pregnancy. Don't hesitate to discuss with your doctor.

3. Actively moving

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Exercising lightly and actively moving every day can help control the blood pressure of pregnant women. No need for strenuous exercise, enough to swim, walk, get pregnant, or as directed by your doctor.

Physical activity is not a danger for pregnant women with hypertension. Precisely increasing activity during pregnancy can prevent you from the risk of preeclampsia, than you do not move at all.

Unless you have medical reasons for bed rest, start exercising gradually. Don't immediately force yourself to exercise completely.

4. Take care of your weight

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You must monitor your weight during pregnancy. Ask your doctor or midwife what is the ideal range of weight for you when you are pregnant. Being overweight, especially obesity, is a sign that your blood pressure is prone to rise. You also become more prone to experience leg cramps, diabetes, joint pain, ulcers (heartburn), and easily tired.

So it's important to change your lifestyle from the beginning of pregnancy so that your body weight remains stable and ideal during pregnancy.

5. Pay attention to food intake

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A balanced diet and limiting salt intake can help control the blood pressure of pregnant women while maintaining weight. Focus on eating low-fat protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains (wheat or brown rice), and low-fat dairy products.

6. Apply a healthy lifestyle

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Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs outside the prescription, and drinking caffeinated drinks. Talk to your doctor before taking over-the-counter drugs purchased at the pharmacy or if you regularly take medication for other medical conditions.

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee must be strictly restricted. Besides being risky for babies and pregnant women, caffeine is also dangerous for your blood pressure. Even a report in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology states that caffeine might inhibit nutritional intake for the fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Although not easy, controlling the blood pressure of pregnant women is very possible to do for the health of the mother and baby as well as a smooth delivery. If you have certain questions or concerns about your blood pressure, immediately visit a doctor.

Guide to Control Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
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