Guide to dealing with vertigo during pregnancy


Medical Video: Pregnancy dizziness

Vertigo is a shaky body sensation, the head kliyengan, until you feel the surrounding environment spin or hover. These symptoms make it difficult for you to stand or walk to cause nausea and vomiting. Vertigo can be experienced by anyone, including pregnant women. Vertigo during pregnancy will make your body fall as if you are dizzy.

Vertigo during pregnancy is very disturbing and certainly at risk for the womb. Then how do you deal with vertigo during pregnancy? Yuk, learn all about verigo during pregnancy and how to deal with it below.

What are the causes of vertigo during pregnancy?

1. Sudden change of position

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Vertigo during pregnancy can occur because you change position suddenly. For example, changing the position of the head from an upright position to a sudden bow, wake up from sleep suddenly, and move the head up.

When you move your head, the inner ear will tell you where your head is and then send a signal to the brain to maintain balance.However, if the inner ear is experiencing interference, then you will feel pain and dizziness.

In the middle ear, there is a crystal of carbonate which functions to create the illusion of motion. When a change in head position occurs suddenly, these crystals will enter the ear containing the balance fluid.

The entry of these crystals stimulates abnormal fluid movements. This makes the pregnant woman become unbalanced and the surrounding environment feels swirling. This condition usually occurs in a short time.

2. Hormonal changes

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During pregnancy, the body will experience hormonal changes, including an increase in the hormone progesterone. High levels of progesterone can also make your blood vessels dilate, and increase blood flow to the baby.

At the same time, your blood flow can slow down so that your blood pressure decreases. As a result, blood flow to your brain decreases. This is what then makes your head spin.

How do you deal with vertigo during pregnancy?

If you experience vertigo during pregnancy, don't panic in dealing with it, keep calm. Then keep your breath organized. Here are ways you can do when vertigo recurs during pregnancy:

  • If when you wake up from sitting or sleeping you feel your body shake, immediately sit or lie down again to avoid falling or injury.
  • Try to get used to getting up slowly in a chair or bed when you are pregnant, even if you are in a hurry.
  • If you can use a light sleeper with soft lighting, do not leave your room pitch black while sleeping. This is so that if vertigo suddenly relapsed at night, you can still see the surroundings and seek help.
  • Rest your body, avoid lying on your side which rests on one side of the head and lie down with the head position higher than the body.
  • Bend your head between the knees and forehead touch the floor. Maintain this position for 30 seconds until the dizziness and spinning sensation stop.
  • Drink lots of water so that your body does not lack fluids and oxygen.
  • If vertigo during pregnancy lasts longer and often recurs frequently, immediately contact your doctor to get the right treatment.
Guide to dealing with vertigo during pregnancy
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