In fact, what causes wine pregnancy to occur?


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Wine pregnancy is a term for women who have benign tumors in their womb. This condition is also known as hydatidiform mole. Women with this condition do experience signs of pregnancy, but those in their abdomen are not fetal but tumors. Without treatment, this condition can endanger the fetus and also the mother. Actually, what causes wine pregnancy?

Actually, what causes wine pregnancy?

Grape pregnancy is divided into two types, namely partial and complete. Both types of pregnant wine are basically caused by the same thing, namelythe egg is fertilized abnormally by sperm.

When the fertilization process, sperm that can pass through the vagina, will continue to move closer to the egg. After arriving, sperm will penetrate the egg cell wall and will fire genetic material into the egg cell. When the chromosomes of the egg and sperm meet, DNA will join and form new cells into the fetus. However, in pregnancy wine, the fertilization process has an error.

Causes of wine pregnancy based on the type

Sperm analysis is a male fertility test

The cause of pregnant wine is complete

To become a fetus, normally 46 complete chromosomes are needed. That is, 23 pairs of chromosomes come from sperm and 23 pairs of chromosomes come from egg cells.

However, in women with pregnant wine there is an error that occurs in the fertilization process of chromosomes. Chromosomes from egg and sperm fail to unite. As a result, there are only 23 pairs of chromosomes from the egg so that the egg cannot survive and die.

Although the egg dies, the trophoblast (part of the placenta) will continue to develop and form fluid-filled cysts. So, what is formed is a cyst (tumor) not a fetus.

Causes of partial wine pregnancy

Not only does the chromosome fail to unite, the excess number of sperm during conception can also be a cause of pregnancy wine. The number of chromosomes that are supposed to be 46 pairs, so it's more than the amount needed.

Although the fetus can be formed, abnormal trophoblast development can be a barrier for the fetus to grow. As a result, babies can experience birth defects.

Who is at risk for this condition?

This condition can happen to anyone. However, it is most risky for women with conditions such as the following:

  • Having a pregnancy at the age of 35 years or younger than 20 years.
  • Have ever had this condition before so that the condition could recur.
In fact, what causes wine pregnancy to occur?
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