This Is the Danger If Mothers Are Affected by Urinary Tract Infection When Pregnant


Medical Video: UTI Dangers During Pregnancy

Around 10 percent pregnant mother having a urinary tract infection or commonly abbreviated as UTI. If a urinary tract infection during pregnancy is left without doctor's care, this can endanger the fetus in the womb. What are the dangers if pregnant women have urinary tract infections? Check out the reviews.

Get to know urinary tract infections while pregnant

Urinary tract infection is a condition that can occur due to bacteria originating from outside the body entering through the urethra and reaching the urethra. Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria attack certain parts of the urinary system consisting of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

UTI can be divided into two parts, namely the lower and upper UTI. Lower UTI is an infection that occurs in the urethra and bladder. Symptoms of this condition include the feeling of wanting to urinate, pain or pain when urinating, cloudy urine color, and stinging urine odor.

While the upper UTI is an infection that occurs in the ureter and kidney. Symptoms of this condition include pain in the groin, low back pain, nausea and fever.

UTIs are common during pregnancy, this occurs because pregnancy hormones cause changes in the urinary tract and make you more susceptible to infection.

If not treated immediately, this infection can cause infection in the kidneys and cause babies to be born prematurely, both immaturely and prematurely.

How does a UTI during pregnancy can cause a baby to be born prematurely?

Then, why can a urinary tract infection make it premature babies born? If pregnant women experience a UTI, this causes the body to experience inflammation, which then affects pregnancy.

The inflammatory process or inflammation causes the body to produce substances that can affect pregnancy. One of them is prostaglandin compounds, the presence of prostgalandin compounds makes the uterus contract strongly.

This results in stimuli such as labor such as heartburn and the cervix mouth opens. So that triggers premature birth.

Not only urinary tract infections that trigger premature babies born. It can also be on other body parts such as infections in the tooth area. Infection anywhere in principle can cause inflammation.

Prevent and treat urinary tract infections while pregnant

Urinary tract infections can adversely affect the fetus, which causes the fetus to be premature with a body weight that is very less than normal. Therefore, urinary tract infections during pregnancy must be addressed immediately. Here are tips for dealing with UTI complaints.

1. Drink more

Make sure the fluid intake in the body is no less by trying to drink 8-10 glasses per day. Apart from preventing dehydration, a lot of fluid intake can accelerate UTI healing.

2. Meet nutritional intake

Adequate nutritional intake, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and zinc can strengthen the immune system to fight infection.

3. Don't hold urination

Immediately urinate when your body wants it. Also make sure you do it thoroughly. In addition, make it a habit to urinate before and after sexual intercourse to get rid of bacteria that move during intercourse.

4. Keep the urinary tract clean

After urinating, immediately clean the urinary tract area to dry from front to back. This is done to prevent the spread of germs from the anus to the vagina or urethra.

Avoid cleaning the urethra with antiseptic soap. Keep the urinary tract clean by frequently changing underwear and choose cotton underwear to prevent the female area from becoming moist.

This simple thing can prevent and treat urinary tract infections while pregnant.

This Is the Danger If Mothers Are Affected by Urinary Tract Infection When Pregnant
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