Various Tips to Overcome Itchy Vagina During Pregnancy


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Nausea and vomiting are one of the most common early pregnancy problems. But not only that, vaginal itching can also be one of the problems during pregnancy that is commonly experienced by pregnant women. Don't take it lightly, because if left vaginal itch can be a serious thing that can endanger the fetus. For that, you should look for ways to deal with vaginal itching during pregnancy.

What causes vaginal itching during pregnancy?

Vaginal itching during pregnancy can be a normal thing. This is because there is a change in the hormone estrogen during pregnancy which can cause vaginal discharge to be produced more by the vagina. This can cause skin irritation and make the vagina itchy.

Reporting from New Kids Center, vaginal itching can also be caused by the production of excessive sweating around the vagina. This causes the vaginal area to become moist and easily irritated and cause itching.

Lack of water or dehydration during pregnancy can also cause vaginal itching. Dehydration can cause vaginal tissue to become drier than usual, causing itching. In addition, vaginal itching during pregnancy can also be caused by more serious things, such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, and urinary tract infection.

If you experience vaginal itching accompanied by other symptoms, such as excessive vaginal discharge and odor, vaginal pain, or pain when urinating, you should immediately see a doctor. It is feared that the itchy vagina you experience is a sign of a more serious illness.

How do you deal with vaginal itching during pregnancy?

If the vagina is just itchy and is not accompanied by other problems, you may still be able to deal with the itchy vagina itself at home. Some of the following methods might help, such as:

  • Compress the vagina with cold compresses to relieve itching
  • Drink more water to prevent dehydration
  • Consuming foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt, can help balance the number of bacteria in your vagina
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight and you should choose clothes from cotton that are easy to absorb sweat. So, your vaginal area is not moist.
  • Choose detergent or bath soap that does not contain perfume. Your skin is very pregnant may be more sensitive, so it will itch if exposed to fragrance.
  • Keep the area around the vagina dry, especially after bathing or from the toilet
  • Clean the vagina with warm water regularly. The trick, wash the vagina from front to back, so that the bacteria in the anus do not spread to the vaginal area and cause infection.
  • You can also use a female area containing cleaning products Povidone-Iodine. Povidone-Iodine is a broad-spectrum antiseptic substance capable of controlling the spread and development of topical infections, overcoming a variety of pathogenic germs, and not causing resistance to antiseptics.

However, if you have done this method and the vagina is still itching accompanied by other signs around the vagina, you should immediately see a doctor.

Various Tips to Overcome Itchy Vagina During Pregnancy
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