5 The Most Dangerous Sex Diseases That Should Be Watched For


Medical Video: Top 5 Most Sex Diseases (Top 5 Deadliest Diseases)

There are many types of venereal diseases that can be experienced by men and women. Especially if you are negligent in maintaining cleanliness of intimate organs or having sex with partners plus without safety which increasingly triggers transmission of venereal disease. Of all the types of venereal diseases that exist, in fact there are some of the most dangerous venereal diseases which have the highest risk, are difficult to cure, to threaten the lives of sufferers. What are they?

The most dangerous various sexually transmitted diseases to watch out for

Being exposed to venereal disease is certainly bad news for everyone. You also become a dilemma when you want to tell your partner that you have venereal disease.

However, the most important thing is that you must be aware of some of the most dangerous venereal diseases that can occur to you. That way, you can take quick steps to go to the doctor and treat this venereal disease before it's too late.

The most dangerous types of venereal diseases that should be watched out for are:


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HIV disease is undoubtedly the most dangerous venereal disease ranked first. Because, until now the HIV virus has not found a cure, cannot be cured, damage the immune system of the sufferer, until it reaches the stage of AIDS, leading to death.

Actually, the HIV virus itself is not deadly. It's just that the immune system that continues to decline causes sufferers to be very susceptible to infections and other diseases. The more illnesses experienced, the higher the risk of death.

Until now, there is no medicine that can cure HIV / AIDS in total. Pthe treatment of HIV / AIDS also only serves to support the sufferer's immune system, not to heal.

2. Syphilis

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Syphilis is one of the most dangerous venereal diseases that is transmitted through sexual contact. This is because the symptoms of syphilis are very difficult to detect, can even appear suddenly in conditions that are already severe alias complications. As a result, this condition can threaten the lives of sufferers.

Syphilis is dubbed a "great copycat," because the symptoms tend to be vague and similar to other venereal diseases. At first, people affected by syphilis will experience a lump in the genitals or mouth. The body starts to develop rashes but is not itchy, usually appearing on the palms, feet, and other body parts.

Symptoms may disappear at certain times, but this should be a matter of caution. Because, this can be a sign that syphilis infection starts to develop complications and damage other bodily functions. The fatal impact, syphilis can cause heart disease, blindness, mental problems and nerve disorders, to death.

3. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C

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Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are considered as one of the most dangerous venereal diseases. Both types of hepatitis are transmitted through sexual contact and can cause inflammation in the liver. In severe cases, the number three most dangerous venereal disease can develop into liver cancer to cause death.

The initial symptoms of hepatitis B and hepatitis C include nausea, vomiting, fever, and changes in the color of urine becoming darker. Even though it looks light, this symptom of hepatitis can secretly develop into chronic and high risk of death.

4. Gonorrhea

gonorrhea gonorrhea

Aka gonorrhea is one of the sexually transmitted diseases that can occur in both men and women, even babies. This venereal disease can be transmitted during sexual intercourse, either through vaginal penetration, anal sex, and oral sex.

The symptoms of gonorrhea are sometimes not so clear that many people are not aware that they have this disease. In men, the symptoms of gonorrhea are heat sensation when urinating, discharge of white or yellow fluid from the penis, and pain in the testicles. While in women, the symptoms tend to be vague or only in the form of mild pain when urinating.

The fatal impact, gonorrhea that is not immediately cured can be life threatening. Not only that, patients affected by this disease will also be more susceptible to HIV / AIDS.

5. Chlamydia

chlamydia in women

Chlamydia is one of the most dangerous venereal diseases that you need to watch out for. The reason is, chlamydia is the most widespread infection and can cause serious complications if not treated immediately.

People who have unprotected sex will be very easily infected with chlamydia, both with vaginal penetration, child sex, and oral sex. Compared to men, the symptoms of chlamydia are more easily found in women.

The most important symptom of chlamydia is the appearance of vaginal discharge accompanied by vaginal pain when you urinate. If you begin to feel the symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Because if not, chlamydia can interfere with your reproductive system's health, reduce fertility, and make it difficult for you to have children.

5 The Most Dangerous Sex Diseases That Should Be Watched For
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